Acceptance Tests and Outcomes
UAT Scenarios from Business Requirements Document
User testing should be based on the test scenarios and acceptance criteria identified in the Business Requirement Document. Any deviation from these scenarios should be noted here.
BRD Ref | Scenario / Acceptance Criteria | Tested By | Date Tested | Outcome (PASS / FAIL) |
The application should allow users to record course grades for those courses where Pass or Fail are used instead of numerical marks |
To record results via manual input: · Select a pass/fail course from the menu/textbox on the top-right of the screen · Go into the Course Results section · Load the course spreadsheet · Check each student without a result has the "set to pass" and "set to fail" quicklinks as well as the "amend results" link · Click on the appropriate quicklink for each student record. This should make the change and reload the sheet immediately · Existing data can still be changed using the "amend results" link The application should allow users to successfully input a set of grades for students on courses that use Pass/Fail. | Norma Turnbull NT, Linda Grieve LG, Rosie Filipiak RF | 12/3 | NT: Pass LG/RF: Pass with usability issue, see jira |
The application should save this input in the appropriate database tables | To check results have been recorded: · Select Course Results area in SMART · Select the course spreadsheet · Check that results for the selected course are displayed · Verify that the displayed results match what was input in the first test The system should save the results input for Pass/Fail courses; the saved records can be checked in Course listings. | Norma Turnbull NT, Linda Grieve LG, Rosie Filipiak RF | 12/3 | Pass |
The application should output the individual values stored for these courses as either Pass or Fail in the relevant reports according to the University regulations | To check Course Level reports: · Select Results Course Level in SMART · Choose Return to Registry sheet from drop-down · Select an appropriate course from course listing drop-down · Select PDF version of sheet and check results are correct · Select CSV version of sheet and check results are correct The results input as part of the first test should be properly displayed and listed for checking by a user. | Norma Turnbull NT, Linda Grieve LG, Rosie Filipiak RF | 12/3 | Pass |
To check Progression reports: · Select Results Programme Level in SMART · Choose an appropriate progression spreadsheet report · Select a valid programme from the drop-down of programmes · Check within the displayed sheet that records for Pass/Fail courses are displayed correctly · Verify (as far as possible) that the Results section displays correct data · Check that no recommendation is included for a programme that includes Pass/Fail courses The output should display correct records across a programme that includes courses that are assessed by Pass or Fail. | Norma Turnbull NT, Linda Grieve LG, Rosie Filipiak RF | 12/3 | NT/LG: Pass RF: could not test as no programme set under user | |
To check Classification reports: · Select Results Programme Level in SMART · Choose an appropriate classification spreadsheet report · Select a valid programme from the drop-down of programmes · Check within the displayed sheet that records for Pass/Fail courses are displayed correctly · Verify (as far as possible) that the Results section displays correct data · Check that no recommendation is included for a programme that includes Pass/Fail courses The output should display correct records across a programme that includes courses that are assessed by Pass or Fail. | Norma Turnbull NT, Linda Grieve LG, Rosie Filipiak RF | 12/3 | NT/LG: Pass RF: could not test as no programme set under user | |
The application should return course level grades (reflecting the Pass or Fail values) to EUCLID in a valid XML format | To check Return to Registry XML sheets: · Navigate to the sections Results – Course Level · Select a relevant course from the drop-down · Select Return to Academic Registry sheet – main diet from the relevant drop-down · Click button labelled XML · Follow the usual steps in SMART to view or save a downloaded file · Save the XML file to your desktop · Open MS Excel · Click File | Open · Browse to your desktop; select the XML file; click Open · Your results will now be displayed in an Excel spreadsheet with the relevant column headings in the first row Check that the course records for Pass/Fail courses are correct | Norma Turnbull NT, Linda Grieve LG, Rosie Filipiak RF | 12/3 | Pass |
Check XML format upload | Check that the XML format taken from SMART has not changed and is fit for EUCLID | Rachel Lacaille | Pass | |
EUGEX changes | Check : the new reference view and the EUGEX/SMART interface are correct | Rachel Lacaille | Pass |
Other UAT Scenarios
Additional test scenarios used in testing but not sourced from the Business Requirements Document should be identified here. The justification for including the scenario in the UAT must also be recorded.
Open Issues
Any issues identified during UAT must be added to the Test Log. Please summarise or insert a copy of any open issues from the JIRA Test Log. It may be agreed that UAT can be signed off while some issues remain open please provide details of the UAT impact of each open issue.
BRD Ref | JIRA Test Log Ref | Issue Summary | Impact on UAT Sign Off |
| usability issues: 1.record course grades cursor moves to the top of the page on the course results when mark is updated 2.Progression report Fail mark is not displayed in red as expected (it is in black)- Not done
3.‘F’ has been modified to FAIL; and ‘P’ to PASS in the reports. 4.The flagging of students who have not passed BUST09001 will be amended | not showstopper. data fixed for 1/3/4, deployed to Test 12/4. To be retested by Paul Kydd 22/4: issues 1,3,4 retested ok by Paul | |
Link to updated JIRA Test Log
Document Sign Off
Please add other signatories where required
Project Manager | Franck Bergeret | Date Signed Off |
Project Sponsor | Fraser Muir | Date Signed Off |
Business Analyst | David Watters | Date Signed Off |
Add other signatories here |