Some of our critical data feeds are no longer working as expecting, requiring regular manual intervention and problems for the managers of the services. 

With this project we will be able to analyse the feed current setup for our services, understand any gaps and look for improvements we can make.  

These feeds include the feeds from Timetabling, EUCLID and IDM used to populate Learn, PebblePad and Moodle. These feeds were initially set up many years ago and haven’t changed – there may be different and better ways to work with feeds now.   

At the moment, the feeds often require manual intervention to run properly/fix errors and this is a poorer experience for staff and students who may have to wait to get the issue fixed. There is a regular issue for visitor accounts in PebblePad which particularly negatively impacts the Medical School as many of their markers are visiting staff. 

In reference to Learn, we are using an option for our feeds that Blackboard no longer recommends. Schools have also been asking us for some time about the possibility of different granularities of feeds (i.e programme level feeds for Learn which would be useful for programme level course population and student rep course sites).  This work may allow us to provide that granularity of data feed. There will also be the opportunity to look at other fields now available in the upstream systems that would provide benefit if stored within our services. 

Current project status

Report Date RAG Budget Effort Completed Effort to complete
February 2024 BLUE 165.0 days 164.3 days 0.8

Project Info

Datafeed Redevelopment
ISG - Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL)
Management Office
Project Manager
David Watters
Project Sponsor
Karen Howie
Current Stage
Start Date
Planning Date
Delivery Date
Close Date
Overall Priority


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