Acceptance Tests and Outcomes

1. UAT Scenarios from Business Requirements Document


User testing should be based on the test scenarios and acceptance criteria identified in the file appended at the foot of this page. This cross-references the business requirements and the typical scenarios.


2.  Open Issues


Any issues identified during UAT must be added to the Test Log. Please summarise or insert a copy of any open issues from the JIRA Test Log. It may be agreed that UAT can be signed off while some issues remain open please provide details of the UAT impact of each open issue.



Identified by


Impact on sign-off


The channel must provide users the facility to allow attendees to join the session using a telephone

Sean Sweeney

PASS – but – only allows to join via telephone from within a session

Update 14/04/23:


Outgoing Email tested to be working for external participants, although delivery may take a few minutes


None - issue resolved
5.1.24 Users should be able to download session reports after a session. These provide attendance data and poll results. Sean Sweeney

PASS – appears to be a bug as bombs me out to MyEd landing page, but report downloads and I can go back in to channel.


None - issue partially resolved. Poll results not available, but not considered an issue to prevent sign-off
5.2.1 The channel must allow end users to delete their own recordings from sessions Sean Sweeney

PASS – but no notification of deletion, looks like nothing has happened and when you try to delete for the 2nd time error message appears, upon refreshing its apparent the recording was deleted on the first attempt.


None - issue resolved


The recordings area of the channel must provide an admin area where bulk sessions can be deleted

Sean Sweeney


Update 14/04/23:


New delete sessions page added to allow bulk deletion

None - issue resolved


The channel must allow session owners an option to make recordings public

Sean Sweeney


Update 14/04/23:


New link button added to lists of recordings which allows setting the PublicLinkAllowed option

None - issue resolved


Any new or updated fields in the MyEd channel must be reflected in the editable page so that these can be edited by session owners as needed

Sean Sweeney

FAIL – Allow 250+ attendees setting is not selectable when editing, I believe this is by design but will need to be highlighted in end user documentation. Session repeat info is not reflected when editing.

None - issue resolved


Adding an external participant

Craig Gilliland

Fail, seems to add the participant but no invite or notification is sent [no email sent]

Update 14/04/23:


Outgoing Email tested to be working for external participants, although delivery may take a few minutes

None - issue resolved


The channel must allow users to view session recordings in an appropriate browser

Craig Gilliland

Fail; I can’t get my recording to play back, just a constant spinning wheel on screen. Though once downloaded it worked fine and I could view the recording back.

Update 14/04/23:


Added testing for local storage and cookies so will only show overlay if browser will support playing the video in an iframe

None - issue resolved


Any new or updated fields in the MyEd channel must be reflected in the editable page so that these can be edited by session owners as needed

Craig Gilliland

Fail. Seems to be something wrong with this.  I initially set my Collaborate session to be on a daily occurrence, but once I amended this to every 2nd day it does not seem to save the updated changes.

Also the tab options along the top of the screen don’t seem to work, are they meant to?


None - issue resolved


As above

Wesley Kerr

I cannot change my mind from occurrences to end date. If I change the option, the associated option field remains on occurrences


None - issue resolved



4. Document Sign Off


Project Manager

David Watters      


Project Sponsor

Karen Howie


Business Analyst

David Watters        


Add other signatories here       





Project Info

Blackboard Collaborate - MyEd Channel Improvements
ISG - Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL)
Management Office
Project Manager
David Watters
Project Sponsor
Karen Howie
Current Stage
Start Date
Planning Date
Delivery Date
Close Date
Overall Priority