The Timetabling programme has made several changes to the way in which personal tutors and students interact with Timetabling information, in order to decide what courses are available and how suitable they are for the student and their study pattern.

Before Timetabling there was a tool called Timetab which allowed Personal Tutors to select combinations of courses and view the prospective timetable.  This allowed Personal Tutors to give advice on what courses would be suitable for the student academically and check that the student timetable was physically attendable, while the data was not completely accurate it did give a level of confidence, which Personal Tutors lost with the removal of Timetab.

Originally Scientia consultants built an equivalent based on Web Timetables technology, unfortunately however, we have not been able to secure a working version that passes the rigorous load testing required for this start of term system.

To that end the Project Board have agreed to proceed with an "in house" solution loosely based on the PATH system developed by 2 students in conjunction with IS Applications.

The success of this project is determined by the following factors:

  1. Ability for all users to create combined course grid view
  2. The application passing load testing
  3. Meeting the target go live – May 2014


Project replanned following issue with the infrastructure required to run the GRID (combined course timetabling tool) application.  Now that this is resolved the aim is to deliver in early July.

Current project status

Report Date RAG Budget Effort Completed Effort to complete
October 2014 BLUE 64.0 days 64.0 days 0.0

Project Info

Enhanced Combined Courses Timetable Tool
Timetabling (TTU)
Project Manager
Craig Middlemass
Project Sponsor
Scott Rosie
Current Stage
Start Date
Planning Date
Delivery Date
Close Date
Programme Priority
Overall Priority

Project Dashboard

Project journal

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