The 4 high priority Timetabling enhancements are (1st three will be funded by TTU Programme, 4th will be out of scope until estimated and budget agreement with CSE to transfer the days):

1. Deliver new SPDA v2 (Withdrawn)

The new version of the SPDA promises:

            - more stability

            - increased automation of tasks

            - performance improvements

Could not deliver this year as performance of new version same as current version. Exploring new Scientia 'Connect' product instead. 

2. Learn feed (Completed)

The benefit will be for the timetable data related to jointly taught and variant activities to be in line in Learn. They are currently keyed in manually by Timetabling Team for 4 to 5 schools using Learn for tutorials. More schools are expected t use Learn for timetable in 15/16.

3. Other SPD refinements:

a-IDM change of data source to EUCLID (lower priority-Not being done).

The students’ course details (school, programme of study, student name) are available as soon as the data is available in EUCLID (students are rolled forward end June), enabling better allocation within schools.

New project in 15/16

b-Programme data against student set (completed).

Staff can see the student’s programme of study.

c-Reducing number of SPDA feeds(lower priority-Not being done).

This will remove duplicates.

This will reduce Production overheads and resource on the server (which takes substantial space).

New project in 15/16

4. XML feed for schools (funding to be confirmed by College, then plan delivery)

This will provide a web service that can be called by schools across the university, to provide them with data held within the Timetabling Reporting Database for their local consumption.

Initiation meeting this year. Will start next year providing funding and resources


Current project status

Report Date RAG Budget Effort Completed Effort to complete
July 2015 BLUE 0.0 days 0.0 days 0.0

Project Info

Timetabling Small Enhancements
Timetabling (TTU)
Project Manager
Franck Bergeret
Project Sponsor
Scott Rosie
Current Stage
Start Date
Planning Date
Delivery Date
Close Date
Programme Priority
Overall Priority

Project Dashboard

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Nothing to report.