Priority and Funding
This is a compliance project which is funded from the core TTU Programme. The project has multiple hard milestones throughout the year. As such, the expectation is that while the project priority is set to Normal now, it will be raised to Highest during the planning. This is predominantly because there are demands on the secured resources which are likely to come from other projects. Any resource conflict could impact on the readiness of the Timetabling service for the start of the Academic Year.
Impact and Dependencies
As part of the project work , there will be multiple small outages to the Timetabling service and the incoming and outgoing interfaces as project changes are deployed to LIVE.
These planned changes will be agreed with the service owner and will be scheduled to reduce impact on students and staff.
As these are routine changes and outages that occur each year - there is agreement with the ISG GoCAB change release governance group - that all the TTU023 changes can be pre-approved at the start of the project , as part of project planning , and then the project team don't need to submit the future small changes to GoCAB.
IS Service Management, as service owner of CalSync, will sign off the changes relating to the CalSync upgrade. This is the only area of the Timetabling service that Service Management have involvement with due to the integration with Office 365.
Co-ordination with Student Systems project work and annual roll-forward steps
The Timetabling system is downstream from the EUCLID Student record system , and takes a feed of data from EUGEX and IDM. The Timetabling system is dependent on these incoming data feeds, and is sensitive to changes in the structure of this data and to the availability of the EUGEX data integration layer.
The TTU023 project will be dependant on resources in other business teams across ISG and Student Systems as each connector to the incoming and outgoing interfaces has to be tested.
For Student systems , there will be a dependency on the SITS upgrade to the EUCLID Student record systems - which will be upgrading DEV, TEST and LIVE systems and refreshing student data in DEV and TEST environments - these refreshes will impact TTU023 testing , and the TTU023 project team will need to schedule the required testing around availability of Student data at the required roll-forward status in DEV and TEST environments.
Project Managers will need to be aware of plans and consider any dependencies between the projects. They will also need to work with the appropriate resourcing managers to resolve any resourcing conflicts. Any which cannot be resolved at project level will be escalated to Programme and Portfolio level as per the standard processes in place.
Project Risks