

As per previous years, the University plans to enter UCAS clearing and offer the remaining available places to eligible prospective students. This annual project has evolved over the past few years to quickly adapt to the changing circumstances caused by the pandemic. New technologies and processes have been tried, and lessons learned. Approaches that have been successful will now be included as part of the default set up from this year. The aim is to provide a more flexible set up that will require less last minute changes and support a better experience for both prospective students and staff.

Specific Change Benefit
To continue with the use of a distributed call centre application The flexibility to have staff working on and off campus seamlessly.
The call centre will be set up to provide both helpline and clearing functions
  • Significantly reduce the need for last minute changes to the call centre set up. The flexible set up can be quickly and easily adapted in response to the unavoidable decisions that can only be made late in the process and in response to external events, i.e. acceptance rate, exam results and conversion rate.
  • Better routing of queries to the appropriate teams (accommodation, fees...) speeds up the handling of calls and allows the College admission teams to focus on clearing places, and improves the prospective student experience.
To provide a Result Days Helpline as a default offer regardless of whether the University enters Clearing
  • Capitalise on the efforts to set up the call centre even when the University does not take part in Clearing
  • Better routing of queries to the appropriate teams (accommodation, fees...) speeds up the handling of calls, lightens the burden of the central university helpdesk and improves the prospective student experience.
Offers will be made by specialist admission staff in the Colleges Removes errors with place offered by the frontline operators when eligibility was not correctly assessed.


The project will deploy a call centre to provide support on result days for Scottish and rUK result days admission queries and Clearing 2022. Specifically,

  • Select, procure and set up telecommunications infrastructure for handling calls for use on result days
  • Secure suitable location on campus
  • Develop the call centre scripts
  • Set up SharePoint data capture forms to support the call centre process
  • Update the Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation (SIMD) checker for Scottish Clearing
  • Ensure that Central and College Admissions areas are fully equipped and ready for handling inbound clearing calls
  • Testing of call centre configuration
  • Establish and deliver adequate technical support during the call centre operation
  • Take down of call centre after operation


Out of scope

  • The decision making and timing around the numbers of places available for clearing is out of scope of this project and is dealt with separately.
  • Communication and Marketing of the Clearing dates and places
  • Clearing selection criteria
  • Confirmation policy and processes


Objectives and Deliverables

ID Description

Priority (MoSCoW)

O1 Set up, operational maintenance and tear down of the telecommunications infrastructure, software and processes to provide a call centre    

Select and procure software to provide remote call centre

  • Remote call centre application was procured under a 2 year contract and used for Clearing 2020 and Clearing 2021, a new contract is needed.
  • The supplier has a suite of applications on offer including a new Clearing module. A review of the possible solutions is needed.
O1D2 Secure and set up suitable location on campus to support larger (doubled in size) call centre allowing for possible COVID restrictions on room capacity. MUST ISG Project Services

Designed, tested and Implemented Telephony and Technical Solution with the following:

  • Robust telephony and technical processes
  • Call routing established to allow hybrid working 
  • Call routing to include additional Non-Clearing Helpline team who will also be working in a hybrid model
  • SIP trunks and ports to enable service 
  • Appropriate audio messages in place
  • Call queuing system
O1D4 Identify and procure any additional hardware required (i.e. headsets, extension sockets) due to the higher number of operators required MUST SRA, ISG Project Services

Test new distributed call centre set up, including:

  • Functional test with a handful of location
  • Large scale test with all locations
MUST SRA, ISG Project Services, ITI
O1D6 Technical support for the call centre when in operations, including communication and desktop support team for operational window and robust contingency arrangements MUST ISG Project Services, ISG Learning Spaces TEchnology, ITI, supplier
O2 SharePoint site to enable data capture when the call centre is in operation    
  • SharePoint forms for all Clearing scripts
  • SharePoint database to capture all data and support sharing between front line operators and College admission teams
  • SharePoint reports and views 
MUST Service Management
O2D2 SharePoint form to capture category of calls for the Helpline COULD Service Management
O2D3 Update the online SIMD checker established within UoE site MUST SSP
O2D4 Update the online list of available programmes (if required) MUST CAM
O3 Central and College Admissions areas are fully equipped and ready for handling inbound calls to ensure prospective students have a smooth experience through Clearing process    
O3D1 Support for SRA team to deliver project including Project Management support  MUST ISG Project Services

Processes for the call centre to support Clearing and Helpline:

  • Workflow to process enquiries
  • Operator scripts for Scottish Clearing
  • Operator scripts for rUK Clearing
  • Appropriate project team and tools throughout required timescales
  • Appropriate levels of awareness / communication across UoE and prospective students 
  • Clearing process completed efficiently and successfully
MUST SRA / Colleges

Operations teams for dealing with inbound calls:

  • Established dedicated teams in SRA and Colleges
  • Call Centre Team recruited and trained
  • Appropriate shift rosters configured
  • Support material and resources for teams provided
  • Call handling targets achieved
MUST SRA / Colleges


Benefit Owner Realisation Timescale
Clearing facilitates the recruitment of students, helps UoE meet its intake target, generating a financial benefit SRA 2023-2027
Improved applicant experience - calls are answered more quickly, less re-direction from dialling local numbers SRA On Results Days
Widen participation - Scottish Clearing will focus on SIMD and WP places SRA 2022-2027
The execution of the project will help enhance the University reputation SRA Ongoing from Results Days

Improvement to clearing processes reduces the burden on affected administrative areas

SRA/College Admissions staff During Clearing period
Improvements implemented this year can be used in future years SRA/ISG From Clearing 2023

Success Criteria

  • Clearing and Helpline calls are able to be dealt with efficiently whilst working across on-campus sites and from home with no technical failures
  • Effective routing of non-Clearing calls to the Non-Clearing call teams
  • Operators felt confident in dealing with enquiries and felt supported
  • All calls to the call centre were able to be answered in a timely manner
  • Prospective students experienced a smooth, efficient process with minimal waiting time


Project Milestones

Copied from the Milestones log on 29 May 2022

Stage Milestone Due Date Previous Date Complete
Procure Procure telephony solution 05-May-2022 No date available Yes
Plan Planning Complete 02-Jun-2022 25-Mar-2022 No
Design Requirements for call centre workflow 15-Jun-2022 No date available No
Design Requirements for SharePoint scripts and views 30-Jun-2022 No date available No
Build Update SIMD postcode checker 15-Jul-2022 No date available No
Build Call centre application configured and available for testing 20-Jul-2022 No date available No
Procure Recruitment of call centre operators 22-Jul-2022 No date available No
Build Clearing 2022 SharePoint completed 29-Jul-2022 No date available No
Integrate Testing of call centre complete 29-Jul-2022 No date available No
Build Operators training completed 05-Aug-2022 No date available No
Accept Call centre set-up complete - Sign off to confirm readiness to open the call centre for SQA results day 08-Aug-2022 No date available No
Deliver SQA Results Day 09-Aug-2022 No date available No
Accept Call centre set-up complete - Sign off to confirm readiness to open the call centre for rUK results day 17-Aug-2022 No date available No
Deliver A Level Results Day 18-Aug-2022 No date available No
Deliver Call centre take down completed 22-Aug-2022 No date available No
Close Closure 30-Sep-2022 No date available No



Project Info

Result Days and Clearing 2022 Helpline
USG Portfolio Projects (OTHUSG)
Management Office
Project Manager
Muriel Mewissen
Project Sponsor
Rebecca Gaukroger
Current Stage
Project Classification
Start Date
Planning Date
Delivery Date
Close Date
Programme Priority
Overall Priority