May 2017

Report Date
May 2017

Achievements this period

OccupEye on LGF
  • Rad Sargeant and Alan Mill added to the virtual Service Team and set-up with access to the OccupEye Reporting Dashboard.
  • OccupEye service moved from Barry Croucher's PC to Virtual Machine.
  • 3 x sensors were identified as not feeding data and reported to OccupEye (sensors 651046, 651051, 651068). Forced comms failed. Sensors were returned to OccupEye and awaiting replacement sensors from OccupEye.
  • 2 x sensors were found  unscrewed from the desks (sensors 651039 and 652025). These have been reattached.
  • Request placed with Network Services to power the Host Receivers via Ethernet in order to prevent power supply being disconnected(I170511-0054).
  • We need to ensure that we have a full set of sensors in place, operating correctly, and ensure the accuracy of the data before publishing this publicly for our users in order to provide a positive user experience.
  • Awaiting installation of power and network point by Estates for LGF Plasma - NetJob 14507.
  • Live textual display separating the PC desks and desk spaces has been received from OccupEye but requires modification.
  • Live textual display with a lower limit of 6 desks occupied is with the OccupEye Software Team for development. (This lower limit is required in order to prevent advertising the presence of very few students in a large space). Delivery confirmed for week beginning 29 May. 
  • Wiki page created for internal management reporting.
  • There has been some press interest in our project:
  • An OccupEye installation at Glasgow University was removed, but the reasons for this do not apply to our project. 

  • Barry Croucher spoke with CAHSS Library and Information Strategy Committee on  5 May at the invitation of Fraser Muir which was well received.

  • Barry Croucher sent Gavin McLachlan and Jeremy Upton a brief report on occupancy of the LGF East in revision week and week 1 of exams using the OccupEye data illustrated on a floor plan.

IoT Pilot in LG.03
  • At 7.30am on Sunday 30 April the door sensor stopped reporting. On inspection, it was discovered that the sensor has been tampered with and the internal workings have been removed. Decision taken not to replace.
  • On Sunday 30 April it was discovered that one cushion had been removed, and one chair & cushion was missing from the room (had been moved to a nearby room). These were reinstated on Monday 1 April.
  • On Friday 5 May two cushions were discovered to have been removed, these are now back in place.
  • On Friday 5 May the information poster was found to have been removed from the room - this has been replaced.
  • On Monday 29 May a cushion was reported to have been tampered with and the internal workings have been removed and is being replaced.
  • Project has requested a report of May data from Simon Chapple.


  • None.

Targets next period

  • Agree internal SLA with Rad and Alan.
  • Set-up management reports.
  • Ensure creation of power and data and commissioning of ports for the Plasma Screen in LGF East.
  • Purchase and setup of Plasma Screen for LGF display.
  • Make the live study desk availability on the Lower Ground Floor publicly available.
  • Sensors re-sequencing (sensors are currently in 3 sequences starting from 1, and each sequence relates to a host.  We had expected them to be numbered 1-146.  This brings a constraint in terms of zoning so we would like this changed.  OccupEye can reconfigure, and then we would need the sensors re-stickered).
  • Change power supply to Ethernet for Receivers.
  • Review of data gathered from IoT in comparison with OccupEye in LG.03.

For attention before closure of project

  • Display Privacy notice.


Budget Information
Budget    Breakdown  Spend to End of May 2017    Total Predicted Spend  
£ 28,000

Supplier costs: £28,000

OccupEye Pilot in LG.03 - £1,620 in total

  • £900 - OccupEye professional services for installation and training
  • £720 - OccupEye annual hosting, support and maintenance

IoT Pilot in LG.03 - £354 in total

  • £185.50 - 7 x Beacons @ $33 each
  • £60 - 6 x Pressure Sensors @ £10 each
  • £83.50 - LoPy boxed £73 (€84.54), + cable £2, + power adaptor £8.50
  • £15 - 6 x Cushions (thick) @ £2.50 each 
  • £10 - other materials

OccupEye LGF - £23,865.60 in total

  • £14,600 - 146 OccupEye wireless sensors @ £100 each
  • £1,410 - 3 OccupEye wireless hosts @ £470 each
  • £3,436 - Annual hosting, support and maintenance @ 20% (of hardware for 153 sensors @ £100.00 and 4 host receivers @ £470.00)
  • £750 - Full installation and professional services
  • £292 - 146 sensor fixing brackets @ £2 each
  • -£600 - Discount due to amount already paid in pilot costs
  • £3,977.60 - VAT @ 20%

Communications - £432 in total

  • £432 - Poster holders x 3 @ £144 each

TOTAL SPENT - £26,271.60

£ 28,000

Staff costs: £0

No purchase order raised or required (*project no longer expects to require contractor input thereby releasing the budget for staff costs to supplier costs).




Budget forecast
Estimated Spend June  £1,728.40
Estimated Spend July  £0
Estimated Spend 17/18  £0


Project Status
RAG Status
Change Status
Approved budget
0.0 days
Activity this month
0.0 days
Activity this year
0.0 days
Activity to date
0.0 days
Estimate to complete current year
0.0 days
Estimate to complete future years
0.0 days

Project Info

Study Space Occupancy in the Main Library
Z. IS Innovation - User Services (USI) - Closed
Management Office
Project Manager
Barry Croucher
Project Sponsor
Richard Battersby
Current Stage
Start Date
Planning Date
Delivery Date
Close Date
