Business Requirements
Functional Requirements
Analysis Tools
The University Community needs to be able to analyse the use of the University Search Engine in order to assess how effective the use of the tools to manage content have been and to determine the configuration (or offering) from the University Site Search. The analysis must be able to provide information in relation to:
- Navigation / Access route to the search engine itself
- Search terms analysis
- Ranking of content versus search terms (i.e. what if results analysis)
- Business Intelligence Dashboard (POTENTIAL FUTURE REQUIREMENT FOR IA)
Content Management Tools
The University needs a transparent policy backed up with easy to use tool and guidance, in order for content publishers to manage their meta data in order to influence the search engine:
- Establish a policy on UoE strategy/promotion versus School/Department/Data Ownwer strategy/promotion
- Establish a theme for use of tools (e.g. avoid using sponsored links/ads as they are very commercial and require continuous monitoring - don't want ads lingering past their useful date)
- Establish meta data schema, with associated impact on search engine results
- Establish best practice for web publisher (what templates to use, which tools serve which function)
- Establish governance (NEED TO EXPAND)
Search Engine Management / Search Results Presentation
The University site search will be a living application requiring configuration and customisation of how it operates and more importantly how it presents the search results:
- Ability to change facets
- Ability to manage multiple configurations (if rolling out bespoke searches for data sources or departments)
- Ability to manage indexing service
- Procedure for rolling out new schema/forms and raising user awareness of what they tools offer
Security / Provisioning
- Ability to control impact on search engine of changes to meta data (i.e. ensuring that UoE content is not outstripped by local content)
- Ability to set authorisation limits on the content (i.e. edlan only, ease authenticated, global).
Project Deliverables
- Load Testing
- Content / Schema definitions
- Assessment of tools