Report for January 2022
- Report Date
- January 2022
Achievements in Last Period
- Planning for first batch of product sprints completed.
- Development of self-assessment form for those who wish to contribute to the Design System has been started but needs further testing.
- Sharing of status update with the Prospective Student Web Content team in Communications & Marketing. Further discussions on how best to align/share work more efficiently for both teams.
- Tidy up of less priority tasks and issues during pre-holiday off-sprint period.
- Creating a process and approach to organising and building components in the Figma UI library.
- Set up test site on Pantheon for the build of the Storefront.
- Implemented the Bootstrap icon set into EDGEL 5.
- Presented at the College Web community and gained insight around their needs as a community.
- Tidy up of less priority tasks and issues during pre-holiday off-sprint period.
- Developed a design/development hand off process.
- Waiting for senior management sign off to publish the Inclusive Language Guide.
- Development resource and UX resource slim due to competing priorities with WPP and staff leave.
Next StepsĀ
- Development of new Design System front end storefront
- Theming the Design System Storefront.
- A clear content strategy which outlines how content will be developed through stages starting with identifying the content that the Design System will launch with.
- Test the contribution process with the Web Publishing Platform product by introducing a new component (the navigation)
- Working alongside the WPP to better understand the navigation as a whole, global, horizontal and vertical.
- Publish the Inclusive Language Guide
- Release Design System v0.1 with a core set of components and variants.
- Continued work to build out the UI Design Library in Figma. This will launch with some desktop and mobile components. This will be continuously added to.
- Look at the multibadging and inclusion of subsite logos.
- Approved budget
- 0.0 days
- Activity this month
- 0.0 days
- Activity this year
- 0.0 days
- Activity to date
- 0.0 days
- Estimate to complete current year
- 0.0 days
- Estimate to complete future years
- 0.0 days