Report for March 2022
- Report Date
- March 2022
Achievements in Last Period
DS 0.1 release scheduled for 12th Apr at risk due to previously identified risk (now an issue): Accessibility Testing is delayed from the scheduled start on 29th Mar and therefore will not complete by the date of the Go / No meeting on 7th April resulting in a possible delay to the launch of the first release DS 0.1
Sprint 13 demo / review and retro complete
Sprint 14 started
Decision taken to launch first release DS 0.1 using the mega menu navigation system (rather than the horizontal menu system)
The content for the Beta survey has been agreed and work is to begin to create the survey using Jisc Online Surveys (this will be linked to from the Beta banner and contact page)
EQIA for Dotdigital (used to send out monthly email communications to communities) – first draft of testing report remains with the Disability Information Officer for review
All Bootstrap 5 components required for DS 0.1 release are now available in EdGEL 5
Provisional dates for beginning accessibility testing and creating accessibility statement reviewed with Disability Information Officer
First Designathon is scheduled for 4th April
The following content is complete:
o How to use
o Design principles
o Brand
o Components and child pages Buttons and Cards
Accessibility Testing is delayed from the scheduled start on 29th Mar and therefore will not complete by the date of the Go / No meeting on 7th April resulting in a possible delay to the launch of the first release DS 0.1
There are clarifications outstanding relating to aspects of the home page
Next Steps
- Complete component content page in Drupal
- Complete buttons and card components content for Storefront
- Create artefacts and information for IS Helpdesk ahead of launch of first release
- Point domain name at Pantheon
- Undertake accessibility testing / create accessibility statement
- Complete first Designathon on 4th April
- Storefront and Design System live (1st release - DS 0.1)
- Approved budget
- 0.0 days
- Activity this month
- 0.0 days
- Activity this year
- 0.0 days
- Activity to date
- 0.0 days
- Estimate to complete current year
- 0.0 days
- Estimate to complete future years
- 0.0 days