Report for April 2022
- Report Date
- April 2022
Achievements in Last Period
- Designathon took place on 4th April
- Domain name pointed at Pantheon environment
- Current sprint: 15
- Current average velocity: 47 (averaged over sprints 13-14)
- Terms of Reference for CAB issued
- All Bootstrap 5 components required for DS 0.1 release are available in EdGEL 5 – no further work expected for this release
- Go / No Go meeting which was scheduled towards end of sprint 15 on 27th April has been rescheduled to 17th May due to delay in go-live
- Scheduled launch of the first release of the Design System (DS 0.1) on 12th April is delayed due to dependency on completion of component content page in Drupal and completion of the Beta version of the mega menu. A Go / No Go meeting has been scheduled towards end of sprint 15 on 27th April.
- Work to develop the component content page in Drupal is delayed due to: unplanned work arising from the project to deploy EdWeb to Pantheon; additional work required in order to test site owner roles in WPP
Next Steps
- Complete and populate component content page in Drupal
- Complete and populate the Beta version of the mega menu
- Create artefacts and information for IS Helpdesk ahead of launch of first release
- Undertake accessibility testing / create accessibility statement
- Go / No Go meeting scheduled for 17th May (rescheduled from 27th April due to delay in go-live)
- Analysis of outputs from Designathon which took place on 4th April
- Create component build videos for each component so that we have video and audio transcripts for adding/editing new components in Figma
- Storefront and Design System live (1st release - DS 0.1)
- Inaugural meeting of Change Advisory Board (CAB) scheduled for 26th May. First candidate change identified (Subsite Footer)
- Approved budget
- 0.0 days
- Activity this month
- 0.0 days
- Activity this year
- 0.0 days
- Activity to date
- 0.0 days
- Estimate to complete current year
- 0.0 days
- Estimate to complete future years
- 0.0 days