Report for May 2022
- Report Date
- May 2022
Achievements in Last Period
- First release of Design System (DS 0.1) launched on 19th May
- Sprint 16 retro and review (demo) took place
- Sprint 17 started – this sprint is focused on the work required to create release 0.2 and to take new components through the CAB process and on user testing
- Current average velocity: 42 (averaged over sprints 13-16)
- Component build videos completed for each component
- Helpline process documented within Wiki
- None
Next Steps
- Update Accessibility Statement
- User (research) testing of storefront prior to launch
- Resolve issue with anatomy image scaling
- Produce a process for effectively testing EdGEL updates and / or fixes
- Continue with Designathon next steps
- Add button states to the buttons included in the Figma Buttons folder
- Adapt the grid to suit our usage in the Figma file
- Complete design of CAB approval process
- Inaugural meeting of CAB scheduled for 14th June
- CAB approval of addition of subsite footer and tag to Design System
- Approved budget
- 0.0 days
- Activity this month
- 0.0 days
- Activity this year
- 0.0 days
- Activity to date
- 0.0 days
- Estimate to complete current year
- 0.0 days
- Estimate to complete future years
- 0.0 days