Report for June 2021
- Report Date
- June 2021
Achievements in Last Period
- Sprint 5 completed successfully
contribution process – established a baseline flow and identified what content would need to go alongside this to assist users
the icon sets that had been selected and how they had been evaluated against criteria agreed with stakeholders
outlined the investigation of a technical platform using Pattern Lab and Drupal
created a use case backlog
alignment of comms between WPP and DS strands
No new issues last month
Next Steps
- Sprint 6 to be started
User research to establish the needs around the tech solution
Agree core criteria and requirements
Shortlisting technical solutions
Outline the key standards
Product Consolidation: Stakeholder Mapping, ways of working and engagement
Training and Development: Writing blog posts
- Approved budget
- 0.0 days
- Activity this month
- 0.0 days
- Activity this year
- 0.0 days
- Activity to date
- 0.0 days
- Estimate to complete current year
- 0.0 days
- Estimate to complete future years
- 0.0 days