List of Projects

Project Code Project Title Status Current Stage Project Manager Start Date Close Date
SRP004 External Awards In Progress Deliver Matthew Lawson 03-Nov-2017
LUC018 Main Library 50th Anniversary Programme Closed Close Jacky MacBeath 01-Jul-2017
BAY503 Data-Driven Decision Support in tourism, culture and hospitality In Progress Execute Rachel Summers 02-Nov-2020
DTP018 Software Asset Management Deployment to Service Withdrawn Initiate Maurice Franceschi 01-Jul-2019
API031 Creating User Centric Requirements and Improving Quality into the Requirements Process Closed Initiate Sue Woodger 08-Jan-2018
P0242 Introduction to Marketing Not Started Initiate Amy Woodgate 01-Sep-2015
LUC069 Digital Preservation Infrastructure Not Started Initiate Ianthe Sutherland 02-Feb-2023
COM049 Rewrite & Modernise Online Voting & Counting Withdrawn Close Tim Gray 27-Feb-2019
FTPLL Supply Chains and Good Food Living Lab Projects In Progress Deliver Alexis Heeren 17-Aug-2018
P0288 KeepSafe Europe In Progress Initiate Adam Rusbridge 01-Aug-2016
LLSRS01 Living Lab overview In Progress Execute Elizabeth Cooper 06-Nov-2018
CSG004 Health and Safety Department Database Migration Withdrawn Close Ben Armstrong 17-Dec-2014
BAY206 Coordination of cross-CSE and cross-hub industry engagement community embedding academic champions from the emerging Business Informatics network. In Progress Execute Lee Wilson 01-Aug-2019
TEL086 Upgrade Project Not Started Plan Mark Findlay 02-Mar-2022
MOOC025 Data Science in Stratified Healthcare and Precision Medicine Closed Close Rachael Mfoafo 31-Jul-2017
LTI005 Developing student digital skills in the community Closed Close Amy Woodgate 09-Feb-2016
EST104 Estates Capital System Embed and Optimise (EST104) Not Started Initiate Derrick Matheson 01-Jun-2018
TEL048 Learn Database Migration to Oracle 12 Closed Close Nicholas Graham 16-Oct-2017
DTI043 Embed and Optimise Document Management System Withdrawn Initiate Don MacIver 19-Mar-2019
ISI017 Sourcing materials for an Innovative Brainstorming Meeting Room for Argyle House Not Started Initiate Jane Furness 02-Feb-2016
SRP005 Internal Benchmarking Suspended Close Matthew Lawson 03-Nov-2017
CCB003 Internal Communications In Progress Initiate Ryan Gavan 06-Mar-2017
USI006 Student-Sourced IS Web Pages Closed Close Michael Holmes 02-Feb-2016
P0347 Transition resources Not Started Initiate Donna Murray 08-Apr-2021
P0313 Near Future Library Not Started Initiate Kirsty Lingstadt 01-Jan-2018