List of Projects

Project Code Project Title Status Current Stage Project Manager Start Date Close Date
HRP012 HR Operations Model Not Started Initiate Marjory Howarth 07-Nov-2019
P0288 KeepSafe Europe In Progress Initiate Adam Rusbridge 01-Aug-2016
ENT039 Decommissioning of Services and Hardware Withdrawn Initiate Maurice Franceschi 07-Jan-2019
STU271 Prospective Student Web Future State In Progress Design Neil Allison 01-Nov-2022
CSG004 Health and Safety Department Database Migration Withdrawn Close Ben Armstrong 17-Dec-2014
SELR003 Student Involvement : Volunteering and Recommendations In Progress Deliver Rachel Chisholm 03-Nov-2017
MVM533 MVM Information Security Compliance Suspended Initiate Jonathan Henderson 06-Jun-2022
MOOC025 Data Science in Stratified Healthcare and Precision Medicine Closed Close Rachael Mfoafo 31-Jul-2017
LTI005 Developing student digital skills in the community Closed Close Amy Woodgate 09-Feb-2016
EST104 Estates Capital System Embed and Optimise (EST104) Not Started Initiate Derrick Matheson 01-Jun-2018
P0346 SPS Website Delivery Project In Progress Execute Alison Macpherson 07-Dec-2020
TEL048 Learn Database Migration to Oracle 12 Closed Close Nicholas Graham 16-Oct-2017
ISI017 Sourcing materials for an Innovative Brainstorming Meeting Room for Argyle House Not Started Initiate Jane Furness 02-Feb-2016
CCB003 Internal Communications In Progress Initiate Ryan Gavan 06-Mar-2017
USI006 Student-Sourced IS Web Pages Closed Close Michael Holmes 02-Feb-2016
PMO003 PMO BI Reporting Closed Execute Rhian Davies 01-Jul-2020
SAC012 New Fees Regulations Revisions Closed Close Rachel Lacaille 24-Aug-2012
EST106 Archibus Oracle Database Migration Withdrawn Close Derrick Matheson 01-Aug-2019
SRSCE-E Educate Edinburgh In Progress Plan Sarah Anderson 08-Nov-2018
BAY304 Develop a sustainability model for the scale-up (current Wayra) accelerator and for the later-stage EIE proposition In Progress Execute Danny Helson 01-Aug-2019
DTI025 Approved Small APIs Withdrawn Initiate Chris Copner 08-Jan-2018
P0243 Economic Democracy Not Started Initiate Amy Woodgate 18-Nov-2015
EEC6 Energy Communications In Progress Deliver Chris Litwiniuk 07-Nov-2019
P0310 Investigating the presence of gender bias in the language used for job adverts Not Started Initiate Kim Tucker-Hood 01-Dec-2017
SEPFTP014 Financial Planning and Reporting In Progress Analyse James Mckay 16-May-2019