List of Projects

Project Code Project Title Status Current Stage Project Manager Start Date Close Date
API006 Populating CMDB automatically Closed Close Gillian Henderson 23-Nov-2015
P0230 ECA responsive website redevelopment project: 2016/17 Not Started Initiate Sharon Pringle 14-Mar-2016
P0260 Online MSP POC In Progress Execute Stephanie Ruthven 18-Aug-2016
LUC077 Library Databases A-Z Not Started Initiate Ianthe Sutherland 06-Aug-2024
HRS073 Implement New Recruitment System - Phase 1b (Usability) Closed Close Nikki Stuart 04-Mar-2013
RSS005 Configuration Management and Consolidated Systems Management Closed Close Orlando Richards 29-Oct-2015
FTP001 Conflict Minerals Policy Development and Implementation In Progress Deliver Alexis Heeren 14-Jan-2015
SRSRes05 Student Pathways In Progress Deliver Matthew Lawson 10-Sep-2018
TEL038 VLE Consolidation Project In Progress Execute Annie Heaney 28-May-2016
TEL085 Replace Turnitin Feedback Studio (B2) Integration in Learn to LTI 1.3 In Progress Deliver Mark Findlay 25-Feb-2022
SAC112 EUGEX/BI Suite Discovery Not Started Initiate Franck Bergeret 03-Mar-2025
CHE001 Chemistry Staff and Student Travel Approval Not Started Initiate Jim Barclay 22-Nov-2016
SAS013 Comprehensive Student Timetabling Closed Close Swati Chauhan 10-Apr-2018
P0247 Social Wellbeing Not Started Initiate Amy Woodgate 08-Sep-2015
SAC004 - E16 Course Results XML Upload - Resits Not Started Initiate Richard Arkless 11-Feb-2013
FTP007 Supplier Engagement In Progress Deliver Alexis Heeren 10-Jul-2017
HSD006 HSD006: LEARN - General courses In Progress Plan Candice Schmid 09-Feb-2017
EST091 EBIS On-Line ColdFusion Upgrade In Progress Build Chris Lawford 03-Feb-2016
P0356 Prospective Student Web Future State Not Started Initiate Neil Allison 01-Nov-2022
DTI041 Develop and Deploy Document Managment System Withdrawn Initiate Andrew Stewart 15-Aug-2018
P0330 Library selfcheck equipment replacement phase 1 Not Started Initiate Barry Croucher 11-Jun-2019
AV2685 KB-Ashworth Two Refurbishment Project (ATRP) Closed Close John Power 01-Jan-2017
SRP001 SRS in Annual Report and Accounts Closed Close Matthew Lawson 02-Nov-2017
LUC076 Royal Zoological Society of Scotland (RZSS) archives In Progress Initiate Fiona Menzies 17-Apr-2024
FTP012 Flexible Framework In Progress Execute Stuart McLean 07-Aug-2017