List of Projects

Project Code Project Title Status Current Stage Project Manager Start Date Close Date
USD033 Cloud Printing Implementation Phase Suspended Plan Colin Watt 15-Jan-2024 28-Jun-2024
IOT009 IoT009 Argyle House CO2 monitoring. Withdrawn Plan Steve Taylor 29-Apr-2019 31-Jan-2020
CSC001 Service Desk Certification Programme - Year 3 In Progress Plan Lisa McDonald 01-Jan-2018 18-Aug-2018
CSG018 IRM Onboarding - Business School Industry Activity Not Started Plan Andrew Stewart 04-Feb-2022
P0096 EXAMPLE - Building a shed In Progress Plan Rachel Weller 29-Jun-2020 14-Aug-2020
P0173 Shared Parental Leave Not Started Plan Maureen Munro 09-Dec-2014
SAC026 SAAS Loan Payments Withdrawn Plan Brenda Kutereba 30-Sep-2013
RI002 Human rights in investment policy briefing In Progress Plan Elizabeth Cooper 21-Sep-2017
CIS601 Access Control Doors Enhancements Proof of Concept In Progress Plan Morna Findlay 22-Nov-2023 31-Jul-2025
SAMSFT Sample Project: Software Development In Progress Plan Dawn Holmes 07-Jan-2020
HRS074 Learning Management System - Procurement Withdrawn Plan Nikki Stuart 28-Feb-2013 04-Oct-2013
EST128 Estates Facilities Management Pre-Procurement Closed Plan Marjory Howarth 06-Mar-2020 30-Sep-2021
TTU004 Timetabling MVM Integration Withdrawn Plan Craig Middlemass 13-Sep-2013 14-Mar-2014
CCB002 ISG Core Brief In Progress Plan Stratos Filalithis 20-Feb-2017
STU243 External Examiner Online Reporting System Phase 2 Withdrawn Plan Franck Bergeret 17-Sep-2014 12-Dec-2014
ESTS119 Estates Security Systems Integration Closed Plan Derrick Matheson 03-Sep-2018 12-Feb-2021
PMO019 Testrail for Project Management In Progress Plan Rachel Foot 28-Oct-2024 28-Mar-2025
COM068 API Upgrade Withdrawn Plan Chris Konczak 14-Mar-2022 29-Jul-2022
SCP004 Short Courses Platform: Operational and Management Reporting In Progress Plan Zohra O'Doherty 29-Sep-2023 29-Aug-2025
SEPFTP015 Finance Specialist Services In Progress Plan Kerry Richardson 01-Jul-2019
LTI030 Learning Analytics Report Card In Progress Plan Pat Fleury 24-Oct-2016
HSS047 REDCap Installation Project In Progress Plan Chris Konczak 09-Jul-2024 09-Aug-2024
AV2848 Peffermill Sports - AV/PA Withdrawn Plan John Power 01-Oct-2019 31-Jul-2023
TEL086 Upgrade Project Not Started Plan Mark Findlay 02-Mar-2022
TEL092 TELS Service - Five Year Plan In Progress Plan Fiona Hale 20-Aug-2014 20-Aug-2014