List of Projects

Project Code Project Title Status Current Stage Project Manager Start Date Close Date
EDIP0011 Noteable Closed Deliver Anne Robertson 01-Aug-2017 29-May-2020
P0201 CRM Implementation - Head of Partnership Development, Business Development, Corporate Relations Withdrawn Deliver Lindsay Mucka 22-Apr-2015 21-Aug-2015
EO003 Visions for Change In Progress Deliver Rachel Chisholm 31-Aug-2017 31-May-2018
Reports Annual Business Travel Reporting In Progress Deliver Andrew Arnott 12-Jul-2017
CRM001 Pilot Project - Business Development, Corporate Engagement, Head of Partnership Development Not Started Deliver Lindsay Mucka 22-May-2015 21-Aug-2015
SRSCE-Co Community Engagement Communciations Strategy In Progress Deliver Sarah Anderson 01-Aug-2017
SRSCE-S Community Access to Rooms Suspended Deliver Sarah Anderson 02-Feb-2018
SLB1 SLB1 General Labs Engagement and SLSG Support In Progress Deliver Andrew Arnott 01-Aug-2017 31-Jul-2022
BAY102 Development of a data ethics MOOC in 19/20 for delivery in semester 2 in 19/20 Closed Deliver Fraser Pullar 02-Sep-2019 31-Jul-2020
FTP002 Modern Slavery (Research, Working Group and Statements) In Progress Deliver Alexis Heeren 03-Apr-2017
LTI016 Virtual Edinburgh Maker Platform Proof of Concept In Progress Deliver Martin Morrey 08-Feb-2016
SLB2 SLB2 Utilities, Waste and Carbon Saving In Progress Deliver Andrew Arnott 01-Aug-2017 31-Jul-2022
ISI008 DMPonline - An International Tool In Progress Deliver Diana Sisu 02-Feb-2016
SLB3 SLB3 Living Labs Research in Lab settings In Progress Deliver Andrew Arnott 01-Aug-2017 31-Jul-2022
FTP004 Palm Oil Policy Development and Implementation In Progress Deliver Alexis Heeren 04-Apr-2017
SRSRes05 Student Pathways In Progress Deliver Matthew Lawson 10-Sep-2018
TEL085 Replace Turnitin Feedback Studio (B2) Integration in Learn to LTI 1.3 In Progress Deliver Mark Findlay 25-Feb-2022
SRP004 External Awards In Progress Deliver Matthew Lawson 03-Nov-2017
SLB4 SLB4 Technical Staff CPD In Progress Deliver Andrew Arnott 01-Aug-2017 31-Jul-2022
FTPLL Supply Chains and Good Food Living Lab Projects In Progress Deliver Alexis Heeren 17-Aug-2018
EEC1 EEC1 Sustainable Campus Fund (SRS) In Progress Deliver Chris Litwiniuk 01-Aug-2016 31-Jul-2021
EEC5 ESME / Sustainable Building Design support In Progress Deliver Andrew Arnott 23-Aug-2019
ESA004 Edinburgh Sustainability Awards – Residence Awards In Progress Deliver Matthew Lawson 03-Nov-2017
SCP-CH Sustainability Champions In Progress Deliver Chris Litwiniuk 01-Aug-2019
FTP001 Conflict Minerals Policy Development and Implementation In Progress Deliver Alexis Heeren 14-Jan-2015