List of Projects

Project Code Project Title Status Current Stage Project Manager Start Date Close Date
HRP012 HR Operations Model Not Started Initiate Marjory Howarth 07-Nov-2019
P0228 IT and Library Service Catalogue Not Started Initiate James Jarvis 23-Feb-2016
AV2983 Edinburgh College of Art Project (ECAP) - Stage 2 Not Started Design John Power 01-Oct-2025 31-Dec-2026
AV3041 TAP - Sanderson LT1 Not Started Initiate Richard Leslie 01-Apr-2025 30-Sep-2025
COLL008 E-Textbook Review Not Started Initiate Karen Stirling 10-Mar-2025 30-Sep-2025
SAC107 CMS roll out analysis & implementation Not Started Initiate Jack Ross 31-Oct-2024 30-Jan-2026
BAY409 The development of new propositions for cost recovery through philanthropy, grants and related opportunities Not Started Close Neil McGillivray 27-Feb-2020 31-Jul-2021
COLL009 Standing Orders Review Not Started Initiate Karen Stirling 09-Jan-2025 31-Jul-2025
P0235 Demo Not Started Initiate Dawn Holmes 28-Apr-2016
COLL010 Journals Review Not Started Initiate Karen Stirling 03-Mar-2025 30-Sep-2025
P0178 Annual Review Not Started Initiate Maureen Munro 04-Dec-2014
TEL090 QMP On-Premise Decommissioning Not Started Initiate Tim Gray 02-Dec-2024 21-Mar-2025
SEPTEST001 Test Project for SEP Not Started Initiate Sally Priestley 14-Sep-2018
SAC110 PATH rewrite & enhancements Not Started Initiate Franck Bergeret 31-Oct-2024 30-Jan-2026
INI022 Remote desktop build process Not Started Initiate Vladimir Zirojevic 24-Oct-2016
AV2793 KB-Engineering Module 1 Project (EM1P) Not Started Design John Power 01-Aug-2025 31-Jul-2025
SAC111 Data Futures - Support 24/25 Return Not Started Initiate Franck Bergeret 29-Nov-2024 26-Sep-2025
CSG024 Mass Communication System Not Started Initiate Alasdair Paterson 05-Aug-2024 31-Oct-2024
ISI006 Digital Skills for Research Intern Not Started Initiate Melissa Highton 02-Feb-2016
P0131 ACES: Livelihoods and Land Use Change in Mozambique Not Started Initiate Genevieve Patenaude 30-Nov-2013
ISI010 Establishing Edinburgh as ‘the home of Open Scotland’ Not Started Initiate Melissa Highton 02-Feb-2016
P0220 Staff Directory Not Started Initiate Ruaridh Stern-Mackintosh 30-Nov-2015
P0330 Library selfcheck equipment replacement phase 1 Not Started Initiate Barry Croucher 11-Jun-2019
P0338 New approach to student number planning and tuition fee income forecasting Not Started Initiate Helen Stocks 01-Sep-2019
P0237 MSc International Cultural Relations Not Started Initiate Amy Woodgate 30-Jun-2016