List of Projects

Project Code Project Title Status Current Stage Project Manager Start Date Close Date
BAY503 Data-Driven Decision Support in tourism, culture and hospitality In Progress Execute Rachel Summers 02-Nov-2020
DTP018 Software Asset Management Deployment to Service Withdrawn Initiate Maurice Franceschi 01-Jul-2019
TEL036 Learning Design Service: Development and Implementation Not Started Initiate Fiona Hale 01-Feb-2016
SAC008 SLC 3 Attendance Confirmations Withdrawn Initiate Brenda Kutereba 23-Aug-2012
LUC069 Digital Preservation Infrastructure Not Started Initiate Ianthe Sutherland 02-Feb-2023
USD015 File Server Migration Closed Close Neil Bruce 04-Feb-2014
COM049 Rewrite & Modernise Online Voting & Counting Withdrawn Close Tim Gray 27-Feb-2019
EST100 BIM Strategic Review Not Started Initiate Derrick Matheson 18-Jun-2018
FTPLL Supply Chains and Good Food Living Lab Projects In Progress Deliver Alexis Heeren 17-Aug-2018
API033 PDF generation-storage as a Service In Progress Execute Gregory Carter 16-Jan-2018
SAC027 SFC Outcome Agreements Additional Requirements Withdrawn Plan Christopher Burnett 05-Nov-2013
DTI023 Enterprise APIs - Analysis and Requirements Withdrawn Initiate Chris Copner 07-Dec-2017
P0244 Statistics - Unlocking Data Not Started Initiate Amy Woodgate 08-Nov-2015
FIN131 Pension Scheme Changes Withdrawn Close Ben Armstrong 04-Nov-2019
HSD003 HSD003: Website reviews - FSU Not Started Initiate Candice Schmid 09-Feb-2017
SEPFTP006 Target Operating Model (TOM) Closed Close Ana Eden 08-Jan-2018
HRS075 HR & Payroll Annual Maintenance 13/14 Closed Close Anne Mathison 24-Sep-2013
SRS-Web-1718 13.4 SRS Website Improvements In Progress Execute Sarah Ford-Hutchinson 01-Nov-2017
SEPFTP015 Finance Specialist Services In Progress Plan Kerry Richardson 01-Jul-2019
LTI006 Diversifying the curriculum with student-led remix and reuse OER Closed Close Jo Spiller 09-Feb-2016
SRP004 External Awards In Progress Deliver Matthew Lawson 03-Nov-2017
API005 Instant, consistent, representative local development environments Closed Close John Allison 23-Nov-2015
SAC009 SFC Outcome Agreements & Strategic Plan Widening Participation Closed Close Duncan Scott 06-Aug-2012
ISI014 'Pioneering Research Data' Exhibition In Progress Execute Stuart Macdonald 02-Feb-2016
P0347 Transition resources Not Started Initiate Donna Murray 08-Apr-2021