List of Projects

Project Code Project Title Status Current Stage Project Manager Start Date Close Date
DST701 Renew Microsoft EES – 2025 Not Started Initiate Maurice Franceschi 07-Nov-2024 30-Jun-2025
SAC109 Tuition fee improvements In Progress Plan Alexandra Mezeul 01-Nov-2024 19-Dec-2025
AV3086 JCMB LTs Projector Upgrades Withdrawn Close Richard Leslie 01-Nov-2024 31-Jan-2025
AV3087 George Sq, 50 - LT3 PTZ Upgrade In Progress Analyse Richard Leslie 01-Nov-2024 31-Jan-2025
AV3092 Playfair Speaker Upgrade Withdrawn Close Richard Leslie 01-Nov-2024 30-Apr-2025
AV3093 McEwan Hall Screen and Audio In Progress Analyse Richard Leslie 01-Nov-2024 30-Apr-2025
SAC107 CMS roll out analysis & implementation Not Started Initiate Jack Ross 31-Oct-2024 30-Jan-2026
SAC110 PATH rewrite & enhancements Not Started Initiate Franck Bergeret 31-Oct-2024 30-Jan-2026
SCP013 Short Courses Platform: Early Adopters VLE Group 3 In Progress Execute Jackson Corry Duff 30-Oct-2024 01-Apr-2025
LUC078 Library Infrastructure Maintenance Not Started Initiate Chris Walker 28-Oct-2024
PMO019 Testrail for Project Management In Progress Plan Rachel Foot 28-Oct-2024 28-Mar-2025
SCE024 School of Engineering Tutors & Demonstrators Options Analysis In Progress Execute Alexandra Mezeul 17-Oct-2024 18-Mar-2025
RIS039 Pure Annual Upgrades 24/25 Not Started Initiate Karen Stirling 17-Oct-2024 31-Jul-2025
SAC108 SITS annual double Software Upgrade In Progress Execute Jack Ross 14-Oct-2024 30-May-2025
WPS020 Annual Portal Service Upgrade 24/25 In Progress Plan Tim Gray 14-Oct-2024 25-Jul-2025
USG030 Manage Subject Access Requests Not Started Initiate Susan Ridder-Patrick 14-Oct-2024 28-Feb-2025
HSS048 Peace Agreements Database – Continuous Improvements 24/25 In Progress Initiate Alan Donald 04-Oct-2024 31-Mar-2025
AV3085 RAAC 24-25 Semester 2 In Progress Build Richard Leslie 01-Oct-2024 31-Jan-2025
MVM164 Upgrading of Teaching Spaces 24/25 In Progress Initiate Alan Gilchrist 09-Sep-2024
ENT701 Improvements to MS365 Licence Management In Progress Plan Morna Findlay 09-Sep-2024 18-Mar-2024
HSS049 Free Legal Advice Centre (FLAC) - File Store Analysis In Progress Execute Sue Woodger 05-Sep-2024 22-Dec-2024
ACS048 Kx Migration to Cloud In Progress Build John Dawes 01-Sep-2024 30-May-2025
LUC077 Library Databases A-Z Not Started Initiate Ianthe Sutherland 06-Aug-2024
CSG024 Mass Communication System Not Started Initiate Alasdair Paterson 05-Aug-2024 31-Oct-2024
AV3040 Appleton Tower AV Reinstatement Withdrawn Procure Richard Leslie 01-Aug-2024 31-Oct-2024