List of Projects

Project Code Project Title Status Current Stage Project Manager Start Date Close Date
SAC109 Tuition fee improvements In Progress Plan Alexandra Mezeul 01-Nov-2024 19-Dec-2025
AV3069 Adam House LT Not Started Initiate Stephen Dishon 01-Apr-2025 31-Dec-2025
AV2601 KB-New_Darwin_Project (NDP) Withdrawn Initiate John Power 01-Jan-2025 31-Dec-2025
SAC107 CMS roll out analysis & implementation Not Started Initiate Jack Ross 31-Oct-2024 30-Jan-2026
VLE009 Learning Analytics in UltRA - LAURA In Progress Execute Kirsty Waddell 01-Mar-2024 30-Jan-2026
SAC110 PATH rewrite & enhancements Not Started Initiate Franck Bergeret 31-Oct-2024 30-Jan-2026
MVM162 Anatomy Database In Progress Initiate Alan Gilchrist 03-Jun-2024 30-Jan-2026
MVM163 EPPSAT and Simulated Patient Databases In Progress Plan Alan Gilchrist 08-Jul-2024 30-Jan-2026
AV2983 Edinburgh College of Art Project (ECAP) - Stage 2 Not Started Design John Power 01-Oct-2025 31-Dec-2026
AV2984 Teviot Row House Project (TRHP) - Stage 2 Withdrawn Analyse John Power 01-Jan-2024 31-Dec-2026
LUC059 The Nagler Bequest: Transforming Conservation of the University of Edinburgh’s Cultural Heritage Collections In Progress Execute Ruth Honeybone 01-Mar-2023 31-Dec-2026
AV2994 LF-Chancellors_Building_LF1_Project (CBLF1P) Withdrawn Design John Power 01-Jan-2024 31-Dec-2026
CAP001 Improving Captioning (Automated Tools and Human Finishing) In Progress Execute Colin Forrest 01-Nov-2022 31-Jul-2027
SAC098 Continuous Service Improvement (CSI) In Progress Execute Franck Bergeret 28-Sep-2023 02-Aug-2027
VLE008 Learn Optimised for In-course Submission and Assessment - LOUISA In Progress Execute Lee-Ann Simpson 01-Jul-2024 31-Aug-2027