List of Projects

Project Code Project Title Status Current Stage Project Manager Start Date Close Date
HSS008 ECA Portal - VLE Learn pilot Withdrawn Plan Colin Watt 13-May-2015 09-Oct-2015
AV3076 Crewe Building Lecture Recording Withdrawn Design Richard Leslie 01-Jul-2024 30-Sep-2024
HSS036 Scottish Graduate School of Social Science (SGSSS) Systems Business Review Withdrawn Close Sophie Izard 16-Oct-2020 27-Nov-2020
DTI023 Enterprise APIs - Analysis and Requirements Withdrawn Initiate Chris Copner 07-Dec-2017
RSS409 Research Services Architecture Security Review Withdrawn Initiate Chris Walker 02-Dec-2024 28-Feb-2025
IOT008 IoT008 HIE connectivity Withdrawn Execute Steve Taylor 23-Nov-2018 31-Jan-2020
AV2912 LST Asset Management Withdrawn Initiate Neil Tuohy 01-Mar-2021 31-Dec-2021
DLIB017 Collections@Ed Website Implementation Withdrawn Close Karen Stirling 01-Jun-2022 31-Aug-2023
AV3077 Foresthill TAP 2024 Withdrawn Design Richard Leslie 01-Jul-2024 30-Sep-2024
AV2709 HR - Old Kirk Withdrawn Analyse Stephen Dishon 19-Apr-2017 31-Jul-2019
INI009 University Estate Wireless Network Survey Project Withdrawn Close Alan Boyd 02-Feb-2016
MVM120 Windows 10 Deployment to MVM Teaching Spaces Withdrawn Close Jon March 12-Sep-2016 08-Nov-2017
SMI031 UniDesk for Dundee Withdrawn Initiate Colin Watt 31-Jan-2022 22-Apr-2022
AV2755 KB-Daniel Rutherford Lab B06 & B07 Withdrawn Close Stephen Dishon 01-Feb-2019 10-Sep-2021
AV2998 GALT Hybridising Withdrawn Initiate Stephen Carter 01-Feb-2023 30-Sep-2023
IOT009 IoT009 Argyle House CO2 monitoring. Withdrawn Plan Steve Taylor 29-Apr-2019 31-Jan-2020
ACS047 Nursery Management System Withdrawn Initiate Andrew Stewart 04-Sep-2023 01-Mar-2024
WEB002 ECA CMS Technology Withdrawn Initiate Arthur Wilson 01-Feb-2013 11-Oct-2013
RIS002 PURE - REF 2020 IS Apps effort to support REF return Withdrawn Initiate Karen Stirling 01-Mar-2018 08-Dec-2017
DLIB019 Vernon Procurement Review Withdrawn Close Karen Stirling 04-Aug-2022 28-Feb-2023
MVM511 CMVM College WWW Presence development Withdrawn Close Mark Hay 07-Aug-2017 21-Aug-2017
INI023 RADAR (Rapid Analysis and Detection of Animal-related Risks) Scoping Project Withdrawn Close Stuart Macdonald 24-Oct-2016 15-May-2017
CIS012 Li-Fi Pilot Withdrawn Initiate Maurice Franceschi 22-Jun-2018 28-May-2018
MVM520 UoE Staff card printing facility at the BioQuarter Withdrawn Close Sarfraz Mohammed 01-Sep-2018 01-Sep-2018
DTP005 Software Entitlement Withdrawn Initiate Vladimir Zirojevic 29-Feb-2016 21-Apr-2017