List of Projects

Project Code Project Title Status Current Stage Project Manager Start Date Close Date
STU265 G-Cloud replacement of FOI Request planning tool Closed Close Alan Donald 22-Mar-2019 01-Jul-2022
TTU022 Teaching Timetable Rollforward for 21-22 Closed Close Alan Donald 14-Sep-2020 29-Oct-2021
DLIB021 LUC Website Accessibility Testing Closed Close Alan Donald 20-Jan-2022 22-Sep-2022
HSS048 Peace Agreements Database – Continuous Improvements 24/25 In Progress Execute Alan Donald 04-Oct-2024 31-Mar-2025
SAC087 SITS double software upgrade Closed Close Alan Donald 05-Oct-2020 30-Nov-2021
USG016 Signal to PURE Application Closed Close Alan Donald 21-Aug-2020 16-May-2024
TTU025 Timetabling Upgrade to V4 Closed Close Alan Donald 01-Aug-2022 27-Jul-2023
DLIB016 Library Databases and Licenced Content Improvements Closed Close Alan Donald 28-Oct-2021 26-Oct-2022
TTU023 Timetabling Annual Roll-forward to 2022/23 Closed Close Alan Donald 04-Oct-2021 08-Nov-2022
DLIB020 DAMS Migration Proof of Concept Closed Close Alan Donald 24-Mar-2022 26-Oct-2022
SCE017 Deployment of Open Computer and Software Inventory Closed Close Alan Donald 27-Jan-2020 17-Sep-2021
HSS037 Replacement of ECA Mini Portfolios - Business Analysis Closed Close Sophie Izard 23-Oct-2020 27-Aug-2021
HSS035 Centre for Open Learning - Migration of CLASS to the cloud Closed Close Sophie Izard 31-Jan-2020 05-Feb-2021
HSS036 Scottish Graduate School of Social Science (SGSSS) Systems Business Review Withdrawn Close Sophie Izard 16-Oct-2020 27-Nov-2020
EST133 Estates Power Monitoring Expert Server Closed Close Rod Hanchard-Goodwin 23-Feb-2021 30-Jul-2021
EST123 Estates Facilities Management Stabilisation Closed Close Rod Hanchard-Goodwin 19-Jul-2019 01-Mar-2022
EST138 Deister (Proxsafe) Key Management Upgrade Closed Close Rod Hanchard-Goodwin 18-Nov-2021 21-Jul-2022
EST134 Building Energy Management System (BEMS) Server Upgrade Closed Close Rod Hanchard-Goodwin 26-May-2021 31-Aug-2021
BAY412 Implementation of People and Money system and processes within Bayes Closed Close Amanda Lund 07-Jan-2021 31-Jul-2021
BAY404 Define and implement an operational communications strategy (and supporting web content) Closed Close Amanda Lund 31-Mar-2020 28-Feb-2021
BAY411 Develop Bayes Academic Ambassador Model to enhance academic identity with Bayes programme Closed Close Amanda Lund 05-Oct-2020 31-Jul-2021
MOOC038 Course Design Closed Deliver Jess Gramp 01-Jan-2021 22-Jun-2021
MOOC039 Edinburgh Model MOOC Withdrawn Close Jess Gramp 27-Jan-2021 30-Sep-2021
WPS002 New Web Publishing Platform: Supplier Procurement Closed Close Zak Stark 06-Sep-2019 12-May-2021
BAY108 Collaboration with the Widening Participation, Digital Skills Gateway programmes, The Data Lab and the wider HE/FE community Closed Close Cat Andrade-Robertsen 01-Aug-2019 31-Jul-2021