List of Projects

Project Code Project Title Status Current Stage Project Manager Start Date Close Date
COM049 Rewrite & Modernise Online Voting & Counting Withdrawn Close Tim Gray 27-Feb-2019
INF146 Migration of SVN to GIT Withdrawn Close Frankie Quinn 01-Nov-2019 17-Jul-2020
DTI042 Show Case Template Service for Document Management System Withdrawn Close Don MacIver 01-Aug-2018 23-Apr-2018
DLAS016 DLAS Learner and Student Communications Withdrawn Initiate Lauren Johnston-Smith 01-Feb-2021 05-Jul-2021
FIN131 Pension Scheme Changes Withdrawn Close Ben Armstrong 04-Nov-2019
MVM011 Review of the assessment processes within College Withdrawn Close Maurice Franceschi 28-Aug-2015 05-Jul-2016
DTP008 Deployment of Windows 10 to Teaching and Student Spaces Withdrawn Close Jon March 01-Mar-2017 07-Nov-2017
TEL049 VLE Standards Withdrawn Close Laura Woods-Dunlop 16-Oct-2017 24-Aug-2018
STU238 RADIUM Enhancements (incl Reasonable Adjustments) Withdrawn Plan Sabrina Fijalkowski 01-Feb-2014 04-Apr-2014
AV3041 TAP - Sanderson LT1 Withdrawn Initiate Richard Leslie 01-Apr-2025 30-Sep-2025
IoT002 Main Library IoT Pilot. Withdrawn Close Steve Taylor 01-Mar-2017 08-Nov-2017
AV2964 Team Room hybrid – Peffermill Withdrawn Close Richard Leslie 01-Apr-2022 29-Jul-2022
USI009 Transmit – A centralised university platform enhancing the lecture experience Withdrawn Close Gavin Anderson 01-Jun-2016 22-Jun-2016
EST105 BIM Implementation Withdrawn Close Derrick Matheson 01-Aug-2019
DTI043 Embed and Optimise Document Management System Withdrawn Initiate Don MacIver 19-Mar-2019
MVM106 Student print strategy Withdrawn Initiate Alan Gilchrist 02-Dec-2019 03-Jun-2020
RSS034 Central Research Compute and Data Storage and College Funded Refresh  Withdrawn Initiate Andy Todd 15-Jan-2018 29-Jun-2018
EST116 Estates Energy Systems Optimisation Withdrawn Close Helen Lobb 01-Jun-2018
AV2984 Teviot Row House Project (TRHP) - Stage 2 Withdrawn Analyse John Power 01-Jan-2024 31-Dec-2026
SAC045 Path enhancements for pre-applicants/enquirers Withdrawn Initiate Andrew Crossland 13-Aug-2015 29-Jan-2016
SRSCE-P Prisons engagement Withdrawn Close Sarah Anderson 10-Jul-2017 15-May-2020
ENT202 WITHDRAWN - SEP requirements Withdrawn Initiate Maurice Franceschi 17-Jul-2020 17-Jul-2020
AV3043 Argyle House - K West Meeting Rooms Withdrawn Initiate Richard Leslie 01-Jan-2024 31-Dec-2024
MVM109 Technology to support communications with potential students. Withdrawn Initiate Alan Gilchrist 02-Dec-2019 03-Jun-2020
FIN121 eTime 17/18 Withdrawn Initiate Emma Mcnab 08-Jan-2018 09-Jul-2018