List of Projects

Project Code Project Title Status Current Stage Project Manager Start Date Close Date
P0109 Relocation Support Service Closed Close Anna Edgar 20-Oct-2012
RES043 PURE HR Changes for REF Closed Close Jill Nicoll 15-Oct-2012 15-Feb-2013
EST072 Energy Recording Systems Upgrade Closed Close Anne Mathison 11-Oct-2012 04-Jun-2013
SMI002 TOPDesk Upgrade to v 5 Closed Close Sue Woodger 04-Oct-2012 18-Oct-2013
SSG005 ESS Meetings in Calendar Closed Close Sheila Fraser 04-Oct-2012 18-Apr-2013
SSG004 ESS Small Enhancements Closed Close Laura Bell 04-Oct-2012
P0080 Unidesk reporting Closed Close Angi Lamb 03-Oct-2012 13-Jan-2017
SAC003 - E2 E2 - UKBA - Length of Tier4 Study in UK Closed Close Ruth McCallum 26-Sep-2012 04-Apr-2013
RES041 PURE Web Services Implementation Closed Close Anne Mathison 25-Sep-2012 30-May-2013
RES042 RMAS - Post Award Analysis Closed Close Adam Wadee 24-Sep-2012 08-Feb-2013
P0075 Media Programme Closed Close Maurice Franceschi 20-Sep-2012 05-Jan-2017
P0077 Distance Education Initiative Programme Closed Close Maurice Franceschi 20-Sep-2012 05-Jan-2017
P0076 Technology Enhanced Learning Programme Closed Close Maurice Franceschi 20-Sep-2012 05-Jan-2017
P0078 ECA Portal and LMS Programme Closed Close Maurice Franceschi 20-Sep-2012 05-Jan-2017
P0074 Service Management Initiative Programme Closed Close Maurice Franceschi 20-Sep-2012 05-Jan-2017
UWS007 Google Search cookies Infrastructure Closed Close Stephen Conlon 17-Sep-2012 10-May-2013
PPS003 eCommerce - Business Case Withdrawn Close David Watters 03-Sep-2012 06-Jun-2014
PPS002 Research Equipment Procurement Asset Register Closed Close Morna Findlay 03-Sep-2012 07-Nov-2013
SAC009 - P3 P3 - Bursaries and RUK HEBBS Upload In Progress Initiate Duncan Scott 01-Sep-2012 16-Aug-2013
SAC009 - P2 P2 - SIMD 2012 Dataset update Closed Close Duncan Scott 01-Sep-2012 02-Oct-2013
SAC009 - P4 P4 - WP Entry Markers Closed Close Duncan Scott 01-Sep-2012 02-Oct-2013
SSG003 Enhancement of student marketing services Closed Close Maurice Franceschi 27-Aug-2012 30-Jul-2013
SSG002 Student Marketing Services Infrastructure Migration Closed Close Maurice Franceschi 27-Aug-2012 30-Jul-2013
STU229 Replace OLLIE and CUPID (options Appraisal) Closed Close Jamie Thin 27-Aug-2012 06-Aug-2013
SAC007 Student Self-service Initial Phase Closed Close Chris Giles 24-Aug-2012 31-Jan-2014