List of Projects

Project Code Project Title Status Current Stage Project Manager Start Date Close Date
ESA1 ESA1 Office Awards In Progress Deliver Rachael Barton 01-Aug-2017 31-Jul-2021
SELR001 Student Project Grant and Student Association Collaboration In Progress Deliver Rachel Chisholm 03-Nov-2017
API016 Roll Out Book.ed and Support for 1 Year In Progress Deliver Martin Morrey 23-Nov-2015
SRP006 THE Impact Rankings In Progress Deliver Matthew Lawson 05-Nov-2019
SRSRes02 SRS Academic Network In Progress Deliver Elizabeth Cooper 11-Apr-2017
SRSCE-M Community Engagement Partnerships and Activities Mapping Suspended Deliver Sarah Anderson 01-Aug-2017
ESA2 ESA2 Lab Awards In Progress Deliver Rachael Barton 01-Aug-2017 31-Jul-2021
SELR002 Student Placements and Course Collaborations In Progress Deliver Matthew Lawson 03-Nov-2017
SRSRes01 Developing our Living Lab approach In Progress Deliver Elizabeth Cooper 11-Apr-2017
SRSCE-G Community Grants (formerly small grant scheme) In Progress Deliver Sarah Anderson 01-Aug-2017
SELR003 Student Involvement : Volunteering and Recommendations In Progress Deliver Rachel Chisholm 03-Nov-2017
EEC6 Energy Communications In Progress Deliver Chris Litwiniuk 07-Nov-2019
EO003 Visions for Change In Progress Deliver Rachel Chisholm 31-Aug-2017 31-May-2018
SRS-SOC 13.2 + 13.3 Newsletter and Social Media - Expansion In Progress Deliver Sarah Ford-Hutchinson 01-Sep-2014
EDIP0011 Noteable Closed Deliver Anne Robertson 01-Aug-2017 29-May-2020
FTP014 Good Food Policy Development and Implementation In Progress Deliver Alexis Heeren 08-Nov-2019
P0201 CRM Implementation - Head of Partnership Development, Business Development, Corporate Relations Withdrawn Deliver Lindsay Mucka 22-Apr-2015 21-Aug-2015
CRM001 Pilot Project - Business Development, Corporate Engagement, Head of Partnership Development Not Started Deliver Lindsay Mucka 22-May-2015 21-Aug-2015
EDIP0195 LitLong Suspended Deliver Andrew Horne 24-May-2019 31-Jul-2022
Reports Annual Business Travel Reporting In Progress Deliver Andrew Arnott 12-Jul-2017
IOT008 IoT008 HIE connectivity Withdrawn Execute Steve Taylor 23-Nov-2018 31-Jan-2020
CAP001 Improving Captioning (Automated Tools and Human Finishing) In Progress Execute Colin Forrest 01-Nov-2022 31-Jul-2027
BAY301 Develop a proposition for an early-stage (pre-MVP) accelerator primarily targeted at PhD students and early-career researchers In Progress Execute Charlotte Waugh 01-Feb-2020 31-Jul-2020
LUC059 The Nagler Bequest: Transforming Conservation of the University of Edinburgh’s Cultural Heritage Collections In Progress Execute Ruth Honeybone 01-Mar-2023 31-Dec-2026
LUC064 Culture Lab/Dig It Up In Progress Execute Daryl Green 14-Feb-2022 30-Jun-2022