List of Projects

Project Code Project Title Status Current Stage Project Manager Start Date Close Date
CIS601 Access Control Doors Enhancements Proof of Concept In Progress Plan Morna Findlay 22-Nov-2023 31-Mar-2025
LUC072 CentOS 7 Migration of Servers Closed Close Chris Walker 15-Nov-2023 13-Sep-2024
OCP010 Dignispace - New MOOC Closed Close Mark Henderson 06-Nov-2023 19-Apr-2024
AV3037 Main Library - CRC - 6.10 - Research Centre Withdrawn Close Richard Leslie 01-Nov-2023 31-Dec-2023
SAC104 Curriculum Transformation - Registry Gap Analysis Closed Close Ranald Swanson 01-Nov-2023 14-Mar-2024
SAC099 SITS Annual Double Software Upgrade Closed Close Ben Armstrong 17-Oct-2023 19-Jun-2024
MVM160 Upgrading of student computer labs, teaching and meeting room PCs 23/24 Closed Close Alan Gilchrist 12-Oct-2023 01-Aug-2024
MVM159 Upgrading of teaching spaces 23/24 In Progress Initiate Alan Gilchrist 12-Oct-2023
HSS044 Business School IRM On-boarding Closed Close Sue Woodger 05-Oct-2023 11-Jan-2024
ACS046 Hotel Management System Withdrawn Initiate Andrew Stewart 02-Oct-2023 26-Jun-2023
AV3035 Estates Trade Base Digital Signage Closed Close Richard Leslie 01-Oct-2023 31-Jan-2024
SCP004 Short Courses Platform: Operational and Management Reporting In Progress Plan Zohra O'Doherty 29-Sep-2023 29-Aug-2025
SCP007 Short Courses Platform: Payment Integration and PCI-DSS Compliance In Progress Build Zohra O'Doherty 29-Sep-2023 28-Feb-2025
SCP008 Short Courses Platform: Configuration of SSO and IDM In Progress Integrate Zohra O'Doherty 29-Sep-2023 29-Nov-2024
SAC098 Continuous Service Improvement (CSI) In Progress Execute Franck Bergeret 28-Sep-2023 02-Aug-2027
USD031 Business Continuity for ISG Services In Progress Execute Sonali Nakhate 11-Sep-2023 31-Oct-2024
SCP011 Short Courses Platform: Development of the Web Front End In Progress Build Zohra O'Doherty 08-Sep-2023 28-Mar-2025
USD032 ISG Staff Intranet In Progress Execute Sonali Nakhate 04-Sep-2023 13-Dec-2024
SBI002 Talend Studio Application Upgrade In Progress Execute Sepideh Samani Pour 04-Sep-2023 25-Nov-2024
SCP006 Short Courses Platform: Implementation In Progress Execute Leanne Thomson 04-Sep-2023 01-Nov-2025
ACS047 Nursery Management System Withdrawn Initiate Andrew Stewart 04-Sep-2023 01-Mar-2024
AV3032 Royal Observatory Edinburgh U3b MTR Closed Close Stephen Carter 01-Sep-2023 31-Dec-2023
AV3027 ECA West Court 2023 Closed Close Stephen Dishon 01-Sep-2023 31-Jan-2024
SAC101 Euclid Technical Legacy - Vue Upgrade Closed Close Franck Bergeret 01-Sep-2023 30-Jul-2024
SAC097 Operating System and Character set end of life Closed Close Franck Bergeret 25-Aug-2023 30-Jul-2024