Project Methodologies
Further information on Project Methodologies including relevant links and guidance
What is a 'project methodology'?
A project methodology is a framework for managing projects. It provides a 'roadmap' for the planning & day-to-day management of a project, acting as a reminder of what needs to be considered at the different stages of the project.
There are many recognised project methodologies, including PRINCE2, Agile, APM but all follow similar guidelines and project phases: - Initiation, Planning, Execution and Closure.
What project methodologies are supported on this site?
Within this website, there are four different types of project methodologies available, each contains a default set of associated templates:
- Simple set (suitable for any kind of project)
- Software set
- Customised set
- Agile set
Regardless of which of the 4 methodologies is selected for a new project on this website, any of the available templates can be added as and when required. A full list of additional templates is available at the bottom of this page. All 4 methodology sets include project logs (issue/change/decision, milestones, plans, risks, estimation, actions, stakeholders, meetings, benefits and lessons learned).
1. Simple Template Set
The tables below shows the default document templates that are automatically created for a 'simple' style of project. After creation, additional templates can be added as required.
Initiate |
Plan |
Execute |
Deliver |
Close |
Project Proposal (added separately, not part of template set) |
Project Brief |
Closure Report |
Project Logs (user must be added to the project group) |
Issue/Changes/Decision Log Milestones Plan Log Risk Log Estimation Log Actions Log Stakeholder List Meeting Logs Benefits Lessons Learned Project Dashboard RAG Reporting Project Journal |
2. Software Template Set
The tables below shows the default document templates that are automatically created for a 'software' style of project. After creation, additional templates can be added as required.
Initiate |
Plan |
Execute |
Deliver |
Close |
Project Proposal (added separately, not part of template set)
Terms of Reference |
Business Requirements System Design Specification Technical Architecture Implementation Plan Build Test Document Integration Test Document User Acceptance Test Plan Deployment Checklist System Description Document |
Closure Report |
Project Logs ( user must be added to the project group ) |
Issue/Changes/Decisions Log Milestone Plan Log Risk Log Estimation Log Actions Log Stakeholder List Meeting Logs Benefits Lessons Learned Project Dashboard RAG Reporting Project Journal |
3. Custom Template Set
The tables below shows the optional document templates that are offered for a 'custom' style of project. After creation, additional templates can be added as required.
Initiate |
Plan |
Execute |
Deliver |
Close |
Major Project Assessment Tool Radar Assessment for Major Projects Project Proposal (added separately, not part of template set) |
Project Brief or Terms of Reference |
Business Requirements System Design Specification Technical Architecture Implementation Plan Build Test Document Integration Test Document Service Level Agreement Operational Level Agreement User Acceptance Test Plan Deployment Checklist System Description Document |
Closure Report |
Project Logs ( user must be added to the project group ) |
Issue/Changes/Decisions Log Milestone Plan Log Risk Log Estimation Log Actions Log Stakeholder List Meeting Logs Benefits Lessons Learned Project Dashboard RAG Reporting Project Journal |
4. Agile Template Set
The tables below shows the default document templates that are automatically created for an 'agile' style of project. After creation, additional templates can be added as required.
In addition to the outline templates detailed below, there is additional information and guidance about the agile process on the agile Wiki at
Initiate |
Plan |
Execute |
Deliver |
Close |
Project Proposal (added separately, not part of template set) |
Project Brief Personas User Stories |
System Description Document Technical Architecture Deployment Checklist |
Closure Report |
Project Logs ( user must be added to the project group ) |
Issue/Changes/Decisions Log Milestone Plan Log Risk Log Estimation Log Actions Log Stakeholder List Meeting Logs Benefits Lessons Learned Project Dashboard RAG Reporting Project Journal |
Full listing of additional templates available
- Blank page
- Business Requirements Document (BRD)
- Jira Log
- Closure Report
- Project Brief
- Terms of Reference
- User Stories
- Technical Architecture Document (TAD)
- Personas
- System Description Document (SDD)
- System Design Specification (SDS)
- MyEd Channel Requirements
- Build Test Document
- Integration Test Document
- User Acceptance Test (UAT) Plan
- Implementation Plan
- Deployment Checklist
- Operational Level Agreement (OLA)
- Service Level Agreement (SLA)
- Applications & Data Architecture
- Target Applications & Data Architecture
Available elsewhere in the Projects Website: