The objective of this project is to complete the delivery the Windows 7 managed desktop throughout the University by June 2012. This will involve identifying and packaging the relavant applications and providing a tailored managed desktop that can be rolled out throughout the various areas of the University.  Application Management the management of pacakged applications will continue to be maged through the instance of MS Sharepoint at http://ucs-che/SD7/Lists/SD7%20Applications/AllItems.aspx  Communication This project will ensure that regular project status updates and migration schedules will be published through the IS website The project will contain four specific roll-out phases as follows; Phase 1 - For Schools, with Computing Officers The project team will liaise with the Computing Officers through their respective IS Consultant to identify the applications that require to be packaged and specific timelines in which to prepare the managed desktop. The managed desktop will be delivered to the relevant School Computing Offiers to enable them to manage the rollout within their specific area.  All applications that are utilised by students and those by multiple schools will be packaged and provided as part of the managed deskop. For applications used only in specific schools, it will be the responsibility of the local computing officer to pacakage and rollout. Phase 2 - Central Support Services (IS, CSG and SASG) The project team will liaise with the local computer reps to identify the applications that require to be packaged and specific timelines in which to prepare the managed desktop.  The managed desktop will be delivered to the relevant Computer Reps to enable them to manage the rollout within their specific area, where possible.  In the instances where it is not possible for the Computer Rep to manage the roll-out, assistance will be provided by the IS User Services Department. Phase 3 For Schools, without Computing Officers The project team will liaise with the respective IS Consultants to identify the specific areas, local contacts and details of the applications that require to be packaged and specific timelines .  In these instances the rollout of the managed desktop will be undertakne by the IS User Services Department.

All project documentation prior to 6th August can be found at


Current project status

Report Date RAG Budget Effort Completed Effort to complete
August 2012 BLUE 25.0 days 19.1 days 1.0

Project Info

Windows 7 Managed Desktop Rollout
ISG - IS Applications Infrastructure (INF)
Project Manager
Andrew Stewart
Project Sponsor
Bryan MacGregor
Current Stage
Start Date
Planning Date
Delivery Date
Close Date
Programme Priority
Overall Priority


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