IS Applications Planning 24/25 to 28/29

Planning now complete.

Current Status

Our planning activities for 2024/25 – 2028/29 are now complete - a copy of the Final Core Funded Plan is available here:


We would like to thank colleagues for their continued support and contribution to the planning process.  


Key Documents





About Applications Project Planning 2024/25 - 2028/29

Each year the Applications Directorate delivers a wide variety of projects, supporting business and IT change across the University.  To help us to understand demand for our resources, and to plan and prioritise projects, we undertake an annual planning process using a 5 year planning horizon:   

  • We allocate £1.6M each year to projects that are focused on supporting central IT systems.  We ask our partners to work with us to develop proposals to bid for this funding.  We describe this as core funded work.     

  • We also undertake a significant amount of funded work – we describe this as sponsor funded.  We support our partners in bidding for funds through local or University planning processes, working with them to develop high quality proposals that make the case for change.   


Core Funded Proposals 

The deadline for submitting proposals for core funded work is Wednesday 6th December 2023

We will publish a first prioritised version of the core funded plan in December, we will then consult with our partners in January 2024 and publish an updated version in February 2024, with the final version being published following the outcome of University planning discussions. 


Core Funded Plan 

The plan is a combination of projects which take place on an annual or bi-annual basis, projects which take place over multiple years, and new projects.  We therefore publish the plan in 3 sections: 

  • Section 1 – Repeating Projects – available now

  • Section 2 – Continuing Projects – first version available in December 

  • Section 3 – New Projects – first version available in December 


Our consultation in the New Year will focus on Section 3 – New Projects. 


Sponsor Funded Proposals 

The deadline for submitting proposals for sponsor funded work is Friday 29th March 2024, following on from University planning discussions.   

We set this deadline to help us to understand potential demand for the upcoming year and to plan our resource allocation.  We do also accept sponsor funded proposals during the year, there is a risk that we do not have resources immediately available depending on demand identified during planning discussions – we typically use a 3-month planning window for resource allocation.  Please note that we use a standard day rate to cost proposals.  We introduced a new day rate of £390 in 2023/24, to provide certainty for multi-year project budgets we intend to use this new day rate until 2027/28.