Progress on HSM paswords and ..
Progress on HSM passwords and Live Setup
The payroll files are called Salaries RTI. They were sent on the 23rd and Larry in the Cash Office has confirmed - " this file was received by the bank for the full amount, £22mil+, and will be processed tomorrow to be received on the 26th Feb."
I have setup another user (Lee) with his HSM password and he will hopefully test it this afternoon when files are ready to be signed.
I am hoping to get Lorna setup today also, but this is depending on her having a spare 10 minutes today.
Progress on the LIVE set up and a record of the files already sent to the bank
So far we have 4 out of 4 successfully logged in and approving/signing files.
We have another 7 to go but so far it is looking good.
Subject: RE: HSM passwords - and set up in LIVE - FIN106
I know Alister has passed the info onto you to get the 11 passwords set up for the user's own HSM password access.
Will you let me know when it is all complete and you are happy with it please? Anne