FIN106 Comments Page

Extra comments Page  for Anne re things not in BRD to be remembered, could be used for Testing, UAT, set up etc. snipits to remember

Outstanding issues:

From Anne Finnan:

  • How do income section receive the file from BACS, ie email, through the current albacs application or some other way? If through the current application we need to add this to the brd and will need tested, otherwise we can just note how its received.

Last round of comments from BRD feedback (Gillian):

  • Do we need functional requirements and tests to check users can admin users can change pin numbers for HSM? [Done, BR10 added]
  • Do we need functional requirement to check that all relevant historic data is extracted from albacs before it is decommissioned (I know audit logs have specifically been mentioned in Proposed Business Processes section but do we need a functional requirement, is there any other data that needs to be archived before decommissioning)? Does test BR15 correspond to this “Historic and/or current Information required for processing payments are direct debits are copied from ALBACS and made available to Finance and Cash Office”? [I think BR16 (was BR15) covers this.]
  • Also is there any archival of the Archive files on the K:\? “The files that have been taken from the K drive into C-Series must then be auto-archived in the same drive (K)” [I think this is out of scope, but shout if you disagree! C-Series will move the submitted file to the archive folder, but this project will not be changing anything that happens/doesn’t happen after that.]
  • The Context Diagram on Proposed Business Processes page should have the C-Series Admin user setup new user/re-set passwords edited to include change pin. And the arrow should be pointing to C-Series. All access to HSM is from the C-Series application. Users don’t directly access the HSM. [Done]
  • Should BR3 be without the need of HSM instead of card reader? As card reader being replaced by HSM and this test is to check we can do a direct payment? [Updated wording to make clear that HSM replaces card readers]

Accounts Payable and Cash Office Files emails See PICCL 13 regarding delays


The signoff of DSOR stretched into February.

The first month of the Decommsionsed Albacs syytem will be spent ensuring all types of LIVE DDIs have been processed.

The ones done to date have been fine (18-Feb). Awaiting an update as to what varieties are left.

Page set up to record progress






Project Info

ALBACS Replacement
Finance (FIN)
Project Manager
Anne Mathison
Project Sponsor
Elizabeth Welch
Current Stage
Start Date
Planning Date
Delivery Date
Close Date
Programme Priority
Overall Priority