User Acceptance Testing

Acceptance Test Strategy

  • Finance (Cash Office)  will carry out test scenarios on the C-Series Test application as detailed in the next section.
  • Issues identified will be logged and tracked using Jira.


Test Scenarios and Acceptance Criteria

RefRequirementScenarioAcceptance Criteria
BR1C-Series must be able to retrieve files from the relevant folders in the K drivePayment files are added to the K drive (secure location). User logs into C-Series and inputs the file numbers. C-Series locates the files on the K drive and transfers them to C-Series.File is successfully transferred from K drive to C-Series
BR2For BACS payments, the current authorisation workflow within ALBACS should be replicated in C-Series (Director sign off then Cash Office)

Director authorises payment files. Cash Office issues payment files.

The payment cannot be issued without Director-level approval.

The payment can only be issued by Cash Office.

BR3Approvers must be able to approve a BACS payment file without the need of a card reader, as HSM will replace this functionDirector authorises payment files. Cash Office issues payment files.

No requirement for approver to log into C-Series with a card reader. HSM will authenticate the user.

Bank confirms receipt of the successful test file and size

BR4C-Series must be able to issue BACS payments for Accounts Payable into the BACS systemAccounts Payable test file is sent from C-Series to the BankBank confirms receipt of the successful test file and size
BR5C-Series must be able to issue BACS payments for Payroll into the BACS systemPayroll file is sent from C-Series to the BankBank confirms receipt of the successful test file and size
BR6C-Series must be able to send Direct Debit instructions and collections via the BACS systemDirect Debit file is sent to the BankBank confirms receipt of the successful test file and size
BR7For Direct Debit instructions and collections, the current authorisation workflow within ALBACS should be replicated in C-Series (no Director sign off required)Cash Office authorises and issues direct debit files

There is no requirement for Director-level authorisation.

The payment can only be issued by Cash Office.

BR8Admin users must be able to set up new usersA new user is set up on C-Series

The Admin user can successfully add a new user and their set-up.

The new user can successfully log in to C-Series.

BR9Admin users must be able to re-set current passwordsA password required re-set for C-Series

The Admin user can successfully re-set the password for a user

The user can successfully log back in to C-Series.

BR10Admin users must be able to re-set current user pins for HSMA PIN number re-set is required for C-Series

The Admin user can successfully re-set the PIN number for a C-Series Approver.

The user can successfully log back in to C-Series and issue a BACS payment file.
BR11C-Series must have a mechanism to be able to place a stop on a file before it has been passed into the BACS system, if requiredA payment file needs to be recalled and stopped from going to BACS

The payment file is recalled.

Bank confirms no payment file was received.

BR12The 'International Payments' module should be available in C-Series (but not configured)The International Payments module is installed to C-Series. (Although this module will not be used)The options for international payments are visible to C-series users.
BR13ALBACS will be decommissioned once C-Series is actively signed offCreate payment files in both ALBACS and C-Series, where payment is issued from ONE system only. Compare figures for two systems

Only one set of payments issued.

Figures for both systems match

BR14The files that have been taken from the K drive into C-Series must then be auto-archived in the same drive (K)

A test file is sent from C-Series to the Bank.

The file is removed from the folder in the K drive in to an archive folder in the K drive.

BR15If the path directories are changed, C-Series will pick up the BACS and Direct Debit files from the new location(s)

C-series is re-configured with the new file locations.

The files are copied to a different location from the K drive.

A test payment/DD file is run through C-Series

C-Series allows the re-configuration of directories.

Bank confirms receipt of the successful test file and size

BR16Historic and/or current Information required for processing payments are direct debits are copied from ALBACS and made available to Finance and Cash Office

User accesses information on separate file (file type and location tbc)

The necessary data is visible/available to Finance and Cash Office
BR17C-Series will capture user transactions on an audit log that is accessible by Admin usersAdmin user accesses the audit log on C-SeriesUsers and transactions are recorded in the log