User Acceptance Testing
Acceptance Test Strategy
- Finance (Cash Office) will carry out test scenarios on the C-Series Test application as detailed in the next section.
- Issues identified will be logged and tracked using Jira.
Test Scenarios and Acceptance Criteria
Ref | Requirement | Scenario | Acceptance Criteria |
BR1 | C-Series must be able to retrieve files from the relevant folders in the K drive | Payment files are added to the K drive (secure location). User logs into C-Series and inputs the file numbers. C-Series locates the files on the K drive and transfers them to C-Series. | File is successfully transferred from K drive to C-Series |
BR2 | For BACS payments, the current authorisation workflow within ALBACS should be replicated in C-Series (Director sign off then Cash Office) | Director authorises payment files. Cash Office issues payment files. | The payment cannot be issued without Director-level approval. The payment can only be issued by Cash Office. |
BR3 | Approvers must be able to approve a BACS payment file without the need of a card reader, as HSM will replace this function | Director authorises payment files. Cash Office issues payment files. | No requirement for approver to log into C-Series with a card reader. HSM will authenticate the user. Bank confirms receipt of the successful test file and size |
BR4 | C-Series must be able to issue BACS payments for Accounts Payable into the BACS system | Accounts Payable test file is sent from C-Series to the Bank | Bank confirms receipt of the successful test file and size |
BR5 | C-Series must be able to issue BACS payments for Payroll into the BACS system | Payroll file is sent from C-Series to the Bank | Bank confirms receipt of the successful test file and size |
BR6 | C-Series must be able to send Direct Debit instructions and collections via the BACS system | Direct Debit file is sent to the Bank | Bank confirms receipt of the successful test file and size |
BR7 | For Direct Debit instructions and collections, the current authorisation workflow within ALBACS should be replicated in C-Series (no Director sign off required) | Cash Office authorises and issues direct debit files | There is no requirement for Director-level authorisation. The payment can only be issued by Cash Office. |
BR8 | Admin users must be able to set up new users | A new user is set up on C-Series | The Admin user can successfully add a new user and their set-up. The new user can successfully log in to C-Series. |
BR9 | Admin users must be able to re-set current passwords | A password required re-set for C-Series | The Admin user can successfully re-set the password for a user The user can successfully log back in to C-Series. |
BR10 | Admin users must be able to re-set current user pins for HSM | A PIN number re-set is required for C-Series | The Admin user can successfully re-set the PIN number for a C-Series Approver. The user can successfully log back in to C-Series and issue a BACS payment file. |
BR11 | C-Series must have a mechanism to be able to place a stop on a file before it has been passed into the BACS system, if required | A payment file needs to be recalled and stopped from going to BACS | The payment file is recalled. Bank confirms no payment file was received. |
BR12 | The 'International Payments' module should be available in C-Series (but not configured) | The International Payments module is installed to C-Series. (Although this module will not be used) | The options for international payments are visible to C-series users. |
BR13 | ALBACS will be decommissioned once C-Series is actively signed off | Create payment files in both ALBACS and C-Series, where payment is issued from ONE system only. Compare figures for two systems | Only one set of payments issued. Figures for both systems match |
BR14 | The files that have been taken from the K drive into C-Series must then be auto-archived in the same drive (K) | A test file is sent from C-Series to the Bank. | The file is removed from the folder in the K drive in to an archive folder in the K drive. |
BR15 | If the path directories are changed, C-Series will pick up the BACS and Direct Debit files from the new location(s) | C-series is re-configured with the new file locations. The files are copied to a different location from the K drive. A test payment/DD file is run through C-Series | C-Series allows the re-configuration of directories. Bank confirms receipt of the successful test file and size |
BR16 | Historic and/or current Information required for processing payments are direct debits are copied from ALBACS and made available to Finance and Cash Office | User accesses information on separate file (file type and location tbc) | The necessary data is visible/available to Finance and Cash Office |
BR17 | C-Series will capture user transactions on an audit log that is accessible by Admin users | Admin user accesses the audit log on C-Series | Users and transactions are recorded in the log |