Business Requirements

Functional Requirements

RefRelates toRequirement
BR1AllC-Series must be able to retrieve files from the relevant folders in the K drive.
BR2BACSFor BACS payments, the current authorisation workflow within ALBACS should be replicated in C-Series (Director sign off then Cash Office)
BR3HSMApprovers must be able to approve a BACS payment file without the need of a card reader, as HSM will replace this function
BR4BACSC-Series must be able to issue BACS payments for Accounts Payable into the BACS system
BR5BACSC-Series must be able to issue BACS payments for Payroll into the BACS system
BR6Direct DebitC-Series must be able to send Direct Debit instructions and collections via the BACS system
BR7Direct DebitFor Direct Debit instructions and collections, the current authorisation workflow within ALBACS should be replicated in C-Series (no Director sign off required)
BR8AdminAdmin users must be able to set up new users
BR9AdminAdmin users must be able to re-set current user passwords
BR10AdminAdmin users must be able to re-set current user pins for HSM
BR11AllC-series must have a mechanism to be able to place stop on a file before it has been passed into the BACS system, if required
BR12International PytsThe 'International Payments' module should be available in C-Series (but not configured)
BR13DecommissionALBACS will be decommissioned once C-Series is actively signed off
BR14AllThe files that have been taken from the K drive into C-Series must then be auto-archived in the same drive (K)
BR15AllIf the path directories are changed, C-Series will pick up the BACS and Direct Debit files from the new location(s)
BR16MigrationHistoric and/or current Information required for processing payments and direct debits are copied from ALBACS and made available to Finance and Cash Office
BR17AuditC-Series will capture user transactions on an audit log that is accessible by Admin users


Note that no tests will be done to issue a BACS payment file direct from UoE to the bank. This process is assumed to work as-is and there will be no changes.


Non-Functional Requirements

  • C-Series must be available during normal office hours, and should be available 24/7
  • BACS files must be archived after processing and be retained for a minimum period of 3 years
  • A user cannot log on to C-Series without separate login credentials
  • Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity processes will be documented separately by Finance and IS, under this project.
  • The standard Backup process will remain in place, and a regular slot dedicated for server patching