De-commission Albacs milestine change
Delayed decommission Albacs by 10 days , agreed with Business Lead / Project Sponsor
- Dev Tech - Decommissioned
FIN106 went live at xmas, but was used to replace ALBACS from February onwards.
Now going back to close the project a few tidy up points are needed (having spoken to you today)
This should now cover everything required
1 Check TAD ok from a Tech Man view point - DF
2 Check TAD ok from a Tech Man view point if a new start would they know how to restart C-series - DF/AW
3 Check HSM is in the TAD, so aware of it - DF
4 Process if HSM fails / not available - AM to check with John B as think Finance have a workaround, include in TAD - AW
5 Deployment Check List update - DF
6 CMDB - AF checking
7 WIKI check up to date - AF checking
8 remove DNS names, tidy up software, so don't get confusions on machines, schemas etc - AW
9 decommission note/record (what was covered), include in Decommission milestone - AW
10 AF asked if JB had a user guide - AM to verify
DF - checked and nupdated points 1, 2, 3, and 5
AF - checked up to date
AW - checked in 4.10 in TAD, completed 8 and completed 9
AM - reviewed TAD 4.10 and asked confirmed JB has User Guide
- I160516-0085: Call closed with the following note " OK, server decommissioned and DNS should be updated overnight tonight."
FIN106 Albacs has been decommissioned successfully and the no longer exists.
So tidy up complete and Closure completed